Surprising Truth About Crying, Superfood-Infused Coleslaw & Immunity Hacks

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The Truth About Crying, Tears & The Surprising Health Benefits That Come From Releasing Emotions!

Crying — it's not just an emotional release; it's a powerful bodily mechanism that offers a cascade of benefits for your overall health, emotional wellbeing & more...

Based on which, while most of the world tells you not to cry ('men don't cry', 'don't be a cry-baby', 'oh, here come the waterworks!')... 

We are here today to encourage the exact opposite & recommend you do let yourself cry & process your emotions if you feel like it...

(& if you're skeptical, please read to the end before forming judgement!)

First off, the health benefits we mentioned...

Dr. Juan Murube's 2009 study revealed that tears contain stress hormones & toxic chemicals...

When we shed these tears, we're not just letting emotions out; we're also expelling stress from our bodies...

(think of it as a natural detox for your system!)

Intriguingly, the process of crying triggers the activation of our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) — the opposite of the 'fight or flight' response — as highlighted in a 2014 paper in the journal Frontiers in Psychology...

This activation of this calming response essentially puts the brakes on stress & promotes relaxation — it's like hitting a reset button for your body & mind similar to that the way breathwork, meditation or other practices like these calm you down...

But wait, there's more; the benefits don't stop there...

Have you ever noticed a glow in your skin after a good cry? 

This connection might also surprise you...

“Crying can have a positive impact on your skin health, a visible testament to the inner healing happening”

(in this case, it's like giving your skin a rejuvenating spa treatment, all through the power of your tears!)

Now, not everyone might notice these visible effects, but rest assured, the internal benefits are at work...

Just as essential as releasing negative energy is replenishing it...

And this leads us to an important realization: crying isn't just about letting go; it's about restoration, a reset for your mental & physical well-being.

So, here's a crucial step: embrace the act of shedding tears when needed.

Allow yourself that emotional release, knowing it's not just a cleansing for your emotions but a healing ritual for your entire being...

It's a much better option than holding in/suppressing your emotions which can lead to bigger physical, mental & emotional health problems over time… with a number of studies linking repressed emotions to higher risk of disease!

Back to crying...

To be clear, if you find yourself wanting to cry all the time, this may also be a symptom of some deeper issue you need to look into...

But the point is that the occasional cry is totally fine, normal & yes, healthy for you!

One final note (or reminder) is that crying isn't just about sadness...

You can, of course, cry tears of joy or laughter or other positive emotions...

According to research from 2015…

Tears happen when you experience emotions so intense they become unmanageable, irrelevant if those emotions are positive (happy tears) or negative, it's the intensity that counts.

So when these emotions begin to overwhelm you, you might cry or scream (perhaps both) in order to help get those emotions out...

And that again, it totally normal, natural & healthy so don't hold back!


If you’d like to learn simple, precise & practical steps to detox your body, boost your immunity & protect your body, you can download this free ebook:


“Well-being is about the combination of our love for what we do each day, the quality of our relationships, the security of our finances, the vibrancy of our physical health, and the pride we take in what we have contributed to our communities. Most importantly, it’s about how these five elements interact.”

Tom Rath


A Healthier, Egg-Free & Vegan Coleslaw Recipe… (With Superfood Ingredients Added!)

With many people either allergic to eggs or adopting a vegan/plant-based diet in which they choose not to consume them... more people than ever are looking for options...

They are looking for ways to enjoy foods they love, grew up eating, or just never got a chance to eat (e.g. because of allergies) but without the ingredients they want to avoid…

Egg-free this… vegan this… gluten-free that... you see it everywhere.

Mayonaise (based on eggs) is another egg-cellent egg-xample of this (🤣) in action, as well as recipes that include mayonnaise like today’s feature: coleslaw.

Coleslaw, of course, is a very versatile dish, perfectly complementing salads, jacket sweet potatoes, wraps, burgers, sandwiches, pizza, BBQ & more…

But is it possible to make an egg free/vegan recipe that’s just as good?

Also, are there any other modifications we can make that would make it healthier without compromising on taste?

We think we can, yes…

Making this healthy, vegan recipe is 100x healthier than buying the heavily-processed, store-bought coleslaw out there often filled with chemicals & preservatives you definitely don't want entering your body if healthy eating is your priority!)

First off, included in the incredibly healthy version of Coleslaw is a great ingredient that we feel doesn't get enough love which is tahini.

A fun fact about Tahini sauce is that it was written about in ancient texts over 4,000 years ago as a food that was 'worthy of the gods!'

Tahini, a superfood in it’s own right, is packed with lots of healthy fats because of its high oil content…

(which also makes it super smooth when compared to nut butters & is also the perfect consistency for our Vegan Coleslaw recipe today.)

Weight loss: tahini is perfect for this (even though it’s high in calories!) as the healthy fats will make you feel full. It also has a good amount of plant-based protein, which will balance your hormones helping you burn fat...

The sesame seeds that tahini is made up of contain a ton of amazing nutrients, but once again we see the Western world screwing things up in the production of tahini…

To make a more smooth product the sesame seeds are often hulled, which is the process of separating the bran from the kernels...

The bran is then discarded, but is unfortunately where most of the nutrients are held…

So, if you can find it (more than likely in your local health food store rather than supermarket), go for unhulled tahini — less processing means a more wholesome & nutrient packed product!

Other awesomely healthy ingredients in our Vegan Coleslaw recipe are radishes which give it a bit of a spicy kick...

We also have carrots & the incredibly alkaline, green herbs, parsley & mint another superherb/food we covered in a previous newsletter.

With all that in mind, let’s get into how to make this quick & easy side dish!

  • Serves: 4 people

  • Time: 10 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 4 tbsp unhulled tahini

  • 4 tbsp pomegranate molasses

  • 2 tbsp filtered water

  • 8-10 medium sized carrots

  • 20 red radishes

  • Handful parsley

  • Handful mint

  • Himalayan pink salt or sea salt to taste

  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Mix tahini, pomegranate molasses and water together very well in small bowl

  2. Wash and then top ‘n’ tail carrots, grating them with skin on for extra nutrients

  3. Top ‘n’ tail radishes, thinly slicing them using a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler (again with skin on for best nutrition)

  4. Place carrots and radishes in a glass mixing bowl

  5. Finely chop parsley

  6. Destalk mint and finely chop, mixing herbs together in same glass bowl

  7. Add paste, sea salt and balck pepper to bowl and mix together very well

  8. Serve with any meal of your choice!


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