Superherb, Walking Habit & Homemade Guacamole Recipe

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How To Reduce Your Risk Of Mortality By 22%-33% With This Simple Daily Habit!

Much of health advice boils down to the same common sense things that everybody knows, but increasingly-few people actually do in today's modern world...

One prime example, to kickstart this week's newsletter: walking.

The Harvard Alumni Study is an ongoing study of over 12,500 men who studied at Harvard University between 1916 & 1950 that was initiated in 1962.

And one of the findings of the study? It has confirmed that...

Men who just walk 1.3 miles per day had a 22% lower death rate than sedentary men who do not walk each day!

Obviously, the same also applies to women too...

So, what should you do?

Aim to walk for 30-60 minutes daily, taking atleast 8,000 steps each & every day.

And preferably do this walking of yours outside & not on a treadmill for additional benefits…

Now, if you don't have time or the physical capabilities to walk for 30-60 minutes (although if you break it down into a bit in the morning, a bit during the day, a short walk in the evening, it should be manageable to most of any age), then just do what you want…

Some more specific, practical ways to implement this include;

  • Parking the car a couple of blocks from work & walking the rest...

  • Get off the bus 1 or 2 stops early…

  • Walk the kids to school rather than jumping in the car (helps your kids to create good healthy habits too… your kids do what you do, not necessarily what you say, so lead by example here.)

  • Take the stairs, not the elevator (if you need me to give you a good reason to take the stairs, in the mentioned study, those who average at least eight flights a day enjoy a 33% lower mortality rate than men who are sedentary - a third lower chance of dying, just for taking the stairs!)

  • Go for an evening walk at sunset (instead of watching TV into the evening).

Very simple, yes… but effective health advice!


2x More Amazing Content For Free!

We're very excited to announce a brand new, companion newsletter which will teach you new breathwork techniques every week…

…which are scientifically-proven to melt away stress, anxiety or tension, raise your energy levels, boost health, activate high performance & access peak states of consciousness…

Whether you're new to meditation, breathwork, yoga, or similar practices... or have already been practicing these amazing habits for years...

This free, companion, weekly newsletter will help you dial in the breathing part, delivering the best that breathwork has to offer & helping you transform all dimensions of your wellbeing (mind, body & spirit) as a result!


Mint (Or... The Everyday Superherb Proven To Boost Digestion, Relieve Pain & Boost Your Cognition!)

Unlike other superherbs like ginger, garlic, or turmeric that we've covered in previous editions of the newsletter… mint is not one that usually considered in that same category...

We believe that's largely because mint actually tastes good (even on it's own) while the others generally do not taste great, despite their amazing health benefits...

Nonetheless, mint absolutely should be in this ‘superherb’ category as it also offers a remarkable host of health benefits!

Let's delve into this remarkable herb & its potential to enhance your well-being starting today:

1. Respiratory Relief 

Mint, particularly peppermint, contains menthol, known for its congestion-relieving properties.

Instead of relying on synthetic pharmaceuticals, consider a more natural approach...

A few drops of pure peppermint & eucalyptus essential oils in hot water create an organic, effective steam inhalation method.

You can also mix these oils with a carrier oil for a soothing massage on your back, shoulders, head, neck & chest to ease muscle tension & promote clear breathing.

2. Digestive Harmony 

Mint, thanks to menthol, has a soothing effect on digestive muscles, making it a go-to for tummy troubles.

In fact, studies have shown that peppermint oil capsules can reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by up to 75% (say goodbye to digestive discomfort with this natural solution)

3. Cognitive Boost

Peppermint not only relaxes muscles but also stimulates the brain, reducing anxiety & enhancing cognitive function.

It can help increase alertness, improve memory, and sharpen focus.

Consider diffusing peppermint oil in your workspace or incorporating it into massage oil to foster a calming environment...

4. Oral Health

Beyond breath fresheners, mint possesses antibacterial properties that combat infections & promote oral hygiene.

Incorporate peppermint essential oil into your homemade toothpaste, mouthwash, or sip on peppermint tea to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

5. Skin Solutions

Mint, when applied topically, offers cooling relief & pain alleviation…

It has also been found effective in treating various skin issues, from soothing cracked or sore nipples during breastfeeding to addressing acne concerns.

So, incorporate mint into your daily life, not just for its delightful flavor but also for its incredible health benefits… (e.g. in the forms of the herb itself, essential oils or extracts, etc).


Also, speaking of simple health advice, here's a quote we love & we're sure you’ll appreciate as well:

“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness & maintain an interest in life”

William Londen


🥑 Homemade Guacamole 🥑

Last but not least, an amazing homemade guac’ recipe to enjoy after your morning/evening walk or whenever…

We'll cover the amazing health benefits of avocado's in detail in a later newsletter, but, in short, they are magnificent!

Avocado’s are crammed with healthy fats, leaving you feeling satisfied after your meal & filling you up with the good stuff that leaves you feeling light, energetic & helps you lose weight...

(there's a reason some people refer to avocado's as 'god's butter')

The other point we aim to highlight & encourage is that homemade guacamole (or homemade anything for that matter) is going to be 100x better than what you can the ready-made stuff found in a supermarket — which is often full of refined sugar, table salt, additives & preservatives designed to extend the shelf life for as long as possible!

Right, let’s get into how to make this delightful dip!

Serves: 4 people
Time: 5-8 minutes (depending on method)
Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 avocados

  • 1 medium tomato

  • 1 medium red onion

  • 1 small bunch of cilantro/coriander

  • 1-2 chillies (depending on heat preference)

  • Juice of 1 lime

  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste


  1. Peel, deseed and dice avocado

  2. Dice tomato (deseeding to create a nicer green coloured guacamole is an option)

  3. Peel and dice red onion

  4. Finely chop coriander

  5. Finely chop chillies (deseeding is an option to lower heat)

  6. Add all ingredients to the mixing bowl

  7. Squeeze lime juice into bowl and season with sea salt * black pepper

  8. Add all ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth OR mash with a fork in mixing bowl until nice & smooth.


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