Moringa, Mind, Detox & More...

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Moringa (Orā€¦ The ā€˜Superfoodā€™ That Boosts Your Immune System, Reduces Inflammation & Can Help You To Heal Diabetes, Cancer & Moreā€¦)

Moringa, a nutrient-dense superfood native to Southeast Asia & Africa, has been used as both food & an alternative source of medicine by individuals & tribes for thousands of yearsā€¦

More recently though, moringaā€™s reputation has made its way from East to West & closer into the mainstream, with health & fitness enthusiasts raving about the benefits of this miraculous tree...

And itā€™s all for very good for good reasonā€¦

Commonly known as the ā€˜miracle treeā€™ or ā€˜tree of life,ā€™ its popularity amongst those who have used it for thousands of years & those just discovering it is based on its remarkable nutritional & medicinal properties, as weā€™ll explore in this weekā€™s newsletterā€¦

Scientific research also now backs up what people have long known about the herb, proving that it can play a role in treating around 80 diseases including anemia, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stomach problems, kidney stones & so onā€¦

And according to a 2013 study, dried moringa leaves contain:

  • 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges

  • 9 times more protein than yogurt

  • 10 times more Vitamin A than carrots

  • 15 times the potassium of bananas

  • 17 times more calcium than milk

  • 25 times more iron than spinach

The result of all of this?

It can not only help heal disease or health problems, but consuming it can contribute to everything from better vision & immunity to bone health & skin radiance, as weā€™ll exploreā€¦

Letā€™s exploreā€¦

The Health Benefits Of Moringa

Moringa offers a wide array of health benefits & their unique properties have also been extensively studied & celebrated by the scientific communityā€¦

Here are some key research findings that underscore the remarkable health benefits of moringa:

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Moringa contains several powerful compounds such as quercetin (a potent antioxidant) & isothiocyanates (anti-inflammatory agent)ā€¦

Together these help to fight inflammation in the body by targeting free radicals (compounds that damage cells) & as a result, reduce oxidative stress, inflammation & fight diseaseā€¦

A 2020 study, for example, found that these specific compounds found in moringa may help alleviate low-grade inflammation associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, ulcerative colitis & metabolic diseasesā€¦

2. Promote Gut Health

Another study showed that moringa helps improve the growth of healthy colonic bacteria which helps improve gut health

(& also the healthy amount of fiber present in moringa helps prevent constipation & also colon cancer in the futureā€¦)

And given that disease begins in the gut (as Hippocrates famously once said) it makes sense that this helps to prevent/heal disease.

3. Blood Sugar Management

Moringa contains chlorogenic acid & isothiocyanates that can potentially regulate blood sugar levels & insulin levels & may benefit people with diabetes, according to a 2020 studyā€¦

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Other research explored the effects of moringa on blood pressure & concluded that moringa helped lower both diastolic & systolic blood pressure readings within hours of consumptionā€¦

5. Improve Heart Health

Given that heart/cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the world, we should all be looking for ways to keep our hearts healthy & moringa can help you do exactly thatā€¦

Moringa is high in antioxidants which help reduce cholesterol levels, particularly LDL cholesterol (the ā€˜badā€™ cholesterol) & prevent plaque buildup in the artery walls contributing to better heart / cardiovascular health & reducing the risk of heart disease/ strokeā€¦

6. Anti-Aging Properties

A 2022 study suggests moringa is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids & polyphenols along with vitamins A, C & E, which help nourish the skin, combat premature wrinkles & slow the aging processā€¦

7. Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis

Another study shows that moringa may be helpful in decreasing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory form of the joint disease) as well as also proactively prevent itā€¦

8. Prevent Anemia

Moringa is also considered effective to treat & prevent anemia (a condition in which the blood does not have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to body tissues)...

9. Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

This is because moringa contains powerful compounds such as quercetin & kaempferol, that suppress the growth of cancer cells & promote apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous tissuesā€¦

10. Promote Liver Health

Researchers have also found that moringa helps prevent the deposit of fat in liver cells & also in treating non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseā€¦

11. Boost Immune Function

And under everything else, thereā€™s the immune system that protects your body against all kinds of threadsā€¦

And the high vitamin & mineral content of moringa can enhances the functioning of the immune system, protecting your body across the board.

But it gets betterā€¦

12. Support Brain Health

Research also suggests that moringa may have neuroprotective properties, helping to protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's & Parkinson's by reducing oxidative stress & inflammation not just in the body, but also in the brainā€¦

How Is Moringa Traditionally Used?

Another great thing to know is that all parts of the moringa tree are edible, from its leaves all the way down to its rootsā€¦

Its leaves, pods & flowers can all be cooked as vegetables (or added to dishes) & consumed in many different ways. Different parts o moringa include the:

Seed Pods (ā€œdrumsticksā€)

The immature green pods (drumsticks) are prepared similarly to green beans & when cooked, taste like asparagus. Older pods are used in curries, soups & saucesā€¦


In many cultures, the leaves are used like spinach ā€“ mostly eaten raw, boiled, steamed, or stir-friedā€¦

Moringa leaves can also be tossed on salads or on meat, they taste a bit peppery like arugulaā€¦

More commonly, the leaves are dried & ground into a powder, & are often used in different recipes (as weā€™ll cover next)ā€¦

Moringa leaves contain around 40% protein, with all of the 9 essential amino acids present in various amounts. 

It is considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far studied on Earth.

The protein quality & quantity are said to be similar to soybeans, but there are no reports of moringa triggering allergies as soya sometimes can.

Mature Seeds

The seeds are removed from more mature pods & cooked or roasted like peanutsā€¦

Oil extracted from the mature seeds can be used for salad dressing or cooking, as a substitute for olive oilā€¦

The seed cake remaining after oil extraction is used as a fertilizer & also to purify drinking water & to remove salt from seawaterā€¦


Flowers are used in preparation of tea, which is traditionally consumed to prevent diseases & to boost overall health (more on this in a moment) They can also be added to sauces or made into pastesā€¦


A horseradish-flavored condiment is prepared from the crushed roots (hence another name it has as ā€˜horseradish treeā€™). 

Moringa roots are also used for preparing picklesā€¦

Ways To Include Moringa Into Your Diet

And here are some more specific, simple & delicious ways to add moringa into your dietā€¦

Include Moringa Leaf Powder

This is one of the most versatile forms of moringa & itā€™s great for a boost in energy!

You can buy some moringa powderā€¦

Or even make your ownā€¦ (by taking fresh moringa leaves, dehydrating them, grinding them & turning them into leaf powder)

And once you have the powder, you can use this as a sprinkle on your food or add a teaspoon to your morning smoothies, shakes, juices, yogurt, or oats for an extra nutritional boostā€¦

Drink Moringa Tea

Moringa tea is refreshing & is apparently great for treating colds, although not onlyā€¦

Take some moringa flowers, bring some water to a boil & add between 5 to 7 flowers.

Let water & flowers steep for 5 minutes, add lemon juice, maybe some honey to sweeten & enjoy!

Use The Moringa Leaves (Perhaps As Part Of A Stir Fry Or A Salad)

For example, you can take 1 cup of moringa leaves, some grated coconut (also lots of health benefits as we covered in a previous newsletter), turmeric powder (as we covered here) & salt in a mixing bowl & combine them well.

Heat a tablespoon of oil, add 1 cup of chopped onions, 2-3 red chilies & saute them for a minute.

Then add moringa leaves, stir fry them for 3-5 minutes.

Cover the lid & cook for 5 minutes & serve it hot...

Make Moringa Soup

Add fresh moringa leaves to soups, stews, or broths for added flavor.

Moringa pairs well with vegetables, legumes & meats in soups & can enhance the overall nutritional content of the dishā€¦

You can also make a delicious soup with moringa pods. In a saucepan, bring 4 cups of water to a boil, add 4 tender moringa pods cut into quarters, 1 teaspoon of oil, salt, a sprig of coriander leaves, 1 inch ginger, 6-8 garlic cloves & a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Cover with a lid, simmer & cook for 20 minutesā€¦

Transfer the mixture to a blender & pulse until the soup is coarsely purĆ©ed. Set a fine-mesh sieve over a bowl & strain, using a spoon to press out as much pulp as possible from the Moringa fibers. Discard the fibersā€¦

Serve it hot with a freshly squeezed lime wedge & a sprinkle of pepper powder!

Moringa Protein Balls (Dessert)

Combine moringa powder with nuts, dried fruit, seeds, honey, or maple syrup, to make energy balls or bars.

Transfer the mixture to a pan & press firmly into an even layer, smoothing the top as much as possible.

Refrigerate until firm for a nutritious & convenient snack!

As you can see there are a lot of different ways that you can take moringa & include it as part of your diet (much better than buying it in supplement form/tablet/gummy) to boost your nutrition, health & well-being starting today!


If you'd like to learn proven steps & complete detoxification protocols to improve your health... then be sure to check out our detox course, called:

This in-depth, 3-part, video training course will teach you what you need to know to permanently reverse various pain, disease or health problems... to get rid of belly fat for good... as well as to transform how you look & feel...

(so life stops being such a struggle, plagued with fatigue or pain... & returns back to being an adventure full of fun, energy & happiness!)



"Your body hears everything your mind says"

Maomi Judd

Indeed there is a strong connection between brain (mind) & body & our thoughts, beliefs as well as emotions affect our physical health just as much as (if not more) than anything we eat, drink, or doā€¦


ā€˜Diaphragmatic Breathingā€™ (Or... The Breathing Pattern For Releasing Stress, Evaporating Anxiety & Tuning Into Deep Calm In Seconds!)

We covered this in the ā€˜šŸ§  Potencia Mindā€™ newsletter, but itā€™s also highly (perhaps even more so) here in this health/fitness newsletter (also proving the universality of practices like breathwork.)

Speaking offā€¦ when it comes to releasing stress, anxiety & bringing about deep states of calm & relaxationā€¦ one of the best breathing protocols for that specifically, is this... diaphragmatic breathing.

The diaphragm, often overlooked despite its significance, is the largest muscle in your body & plays a vital role in your breathing processā€¦

It's your primary breathing muscle & understanding how to engage it properly can be a game-changer.

Most of us have developed the habit of taking quick, shallow breaths, primarily located in the upper chest.

This pattern triggers the "fight or flight" response, keeping us in a state of perpetual anxiety & irritationā€¦

But there's a simple antidote:

"Low & Slow" breathing (a.k.a. Diaphragmatic Breathing)

Imagine breathing deeply into your belly.

Again, this is the basic anti-stress breathing pattern that can shift you from anxiety to calm incredibly, astonishingly quicklyā€¦

(The key is making it an unconscious habit, a part of your daily life).

To get started with ā€˜diaphragmatic breathingā€™, try this simple exercise:

  • Lying Down: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a book or a small sandbag on your belly. As you inhale, let your breath lift the book; as you exhale, let it settle down. Focus on creating a smooth, rhythmic movement.

  • Sitting: While sitting, interlace your fingers lightly over your belly button. Inhale deeply, allowing your breath to push your hands apart. Exhale, bringing your hands back together. Feel the expansion and contraction with each breath.

  • Standing: Stand with your hands on each side of your waist, above your hips. As you exhale, gently squeeze your hands toward your midline, and your fingers together. Inhale, feeling the breath move your hands apart and spread your fingers open. Gradually increase the pressure to resist expansion while inhaling.

Make this practice a regular part of your life & watch as it transforms your emotional well-being & overall vitality.

Remember, diaphragmatic breathing isn't just about the act of breathing; it's a gateway to a more peaceful, liberated you. 

So, embrace the power of your breath, let go of tension & welcome a brighter, calmer tomorrow!

Start practicing ā€˜Box Breathingā€™ today šŸ˜ƒ 

And if youā€™d like to learn how to apply the ancient, timeless practice of breathwork specifically to create visible, measurable & life-transforming changes to your body, health, fitness & performanceā€¦

ā€¦including healing asthma or allergies, aiding permanent fat loss, preventing disease, reversing aging & extending your lifespanā€¦

ā€¦check out our recently released course on the topic called:

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