Diabetes, Eating Habits, Relaxation & Coconuts

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Proven Steps To Reverse (Or To Prevent) Diabetes Through Simple Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes!

ā€˜Diabetesā€™ is perhaps the biggest epidemic in human history; a major health issue that has reached alarming levelsā€¦

More than half a billion people today are living with diabetes worldwide (with at least 1 out of 10 adults suffering with the condition)ā€¦

Whatā€™s worse?

It has claimed an estimated 6.7 million lives in the year 2021, according to the dataā€¦

And diabetes doesnā€™t discriminate in the sense that it is affecting people of all ages & from all walks of life ā€” from children to the elderly, from the wealthiest to poorest, in every country in the worldā€¦

^ Thatā€™s the bad newsā€¦

Hereā€™s the good newsā€¦

Lots of amazing research proves that diabetes can not only be managed but can actually be reversed (or proactively prevented) with simple nutritional & lifestyle changes, as weā€™ll explore todayā€¦

In this weekā€™s newsletter, weā€™ll dive deep into the topic of diabetes, covering its different types, symptoms, causes, the connection between nutrition & diabetes, simple diabetes-friendly foods to include more of in your diet (+ other ones that you should avoid at all costs)ā€¦ as well as other simple strategies to prevent/reverse diabetes, now & in the futureā€¦

Letā€™s dive in, shall we?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus, more simply known as ā€˜diabetesā€™, is a serious, long-term (or ā€˜chronicā€™) condition that occurs when the body has trouble using the sugar (or glucose) it gets from food for energy so sugar builds up in the bloodstream insteadā€¦

When sugar is in your bloodstream, it needs help ā€” a ā€œkeyā€ ā€” to reach its final destination.

This ā€œkeyā€ is insulin (hormone).

If your pancreas isnā€™t making enough insulin or your body isnā€™t using it properly, sugar builds up in your bloodstream, leading to a condition called ā€˜hyperglycemiaā€™ā€¦

Over time, having consistently high blood sugar can cause health problems, such as heart disease, nerve damage, kidney failure & eye issuesā€¦

The Different Types of Diabetes

  • Type 2 diabetes: It is the most common type of diabetes ā€” about 90%-95% of people living with diabetes have type 2. It occurs when your body doesnā€™t make enough insulin &/or your bodyā€™s cells donā€™t respond normally to the insulin (this is also known as ā€˜insulin resistanceā€™ as weā€™ll cover in a moment)...

  • Pre-Diabetes: This type is the stage before Type 2 diabetes. Your blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be officially diagnosed with Type 2 diabetesā€¦

  • Type 1 diabetes: This type is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks & destroys insulin-producing cells in your pancreas for unknown reasons. (Up to 10% of people who have diabetes have Type 1. Itā€™s usually diagnosed in children & young adults, but it can develop at any ageā€¦)

  • Gestational diabetes: This type develops in some women during pregnancy when placenta produces insulin-blocking hormone. It usually goes away after pregnancy. However, if you have gestational diabetes, youā€™re at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in lifeā€¦

Causes of Diabetes

Glucose (sugar) mainly comes from carbohydrates in your food & drinks ā€” itā€™s your bodyā€™s go-to source of energy.

Too much glucose circulating in your bloodstream causes diabetes, regardless of the typeā€¦

However, the reason why your blood glucose levels are high differs depending on the type of diabetesā€¦

Here are the main known causes of diabetes:

  • Insulin resistance: Type 2 diabetes mainly results from insulin resistance which happens when cells in your muscles, fat & liver donā€™t respond as they should to insulin. Several factors & conditions contribute to varying degrees of insulin resistance, including obesity, lack of physical activity, diet, hormonal imbalances, genetics & certain medicationsā€¦

  • Autoimmune disease: Type 1 diabetes happens when your immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in your pancreasā€¦

  • Hormonal imbalances: During pregnancy, the placenta releases hormones that cause insulin resistance. You may develop gestational diabetes if your pancreas canā€™t produce enough insulin to overcome the insulin resistanceā€¦

  • Pancreatic damage: Physical damage to your pancreas ā€” from a condition, surgery or injury ā€” can impact its ability to make insulin, resulting in diabetesā€¦

  • Genetic mutations: Certain genetic mutations can also cause (or significantly contribute to) diabetesā€¦

Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes symptoms arenā€™t always the easiest to spot & the first warning signs are often reluctant to appear & may take many years to be noticed, leaving many patients in the darkā€¦

Here are some of the early signs & symptoms to look out for:

  • feeling very thirsty

  • needing to urinate more often than usual

  • blurred vision

  • feeling tired

  • losing weight unintentionally

  • numbness or tingling in your hands or feet

  • frequent skin &/or vaginal yeast infections

(although these symptoms are also vague & do not necessarily mean that you are ā€˜diabeticā€™ā€¦

Tiredness, for example, could just be the result of late nights & not getting enough sleep & not a sign of diabetes or any other underlying health problem/disease.

The Prevention/Reversal Of Diabetes

Whatā€™s worse, people with diabetes are also then more susceptible to complications like heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure & amputation & also at increased risk of premature deathā€¦

But again, you can delay, reduce, or reverse diabetesā€¦

How? By making sensible, logical lifestyle changes including:

  • reach & keep a healthy body weight

  • stay physically active with at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day

  • eat a healthy diet & avoid sugar saturated fat & processed foods (more on this in a moment)

  • avoid tobacco, alcohol consumption & other bad habitsā€¦

The Connection Between Nutrition & Diabetes

Meal planning & healthy eating are key aspects of diabetes management/prevention, as your blood sugar is affected by what you eat, when you eat, how you eat & how much you eatā€¦

The good news is that youā€™re not doomed to a lifetime diet of no treats, carbs, desserts, etc where you have to buy special foods or give up all your favorite foodsā€¦

You can manage your diabetes with two simple eating habits such as:

  • Eat differently

  • Eat nutrient-dense foods

  • Eat smaller portions

For example, starchy or sugary foods make blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, whereas protein & healthy-fats cause more gradual increase in blood sugar levelsā€¦

Hence, eating the right types of foods can both manage your blood sugar & also help you lose any excess weight, which benefits in preventing both diabetes & heart disease (#1 leading cause of death)...

The Foods You Should Eat

One of the easiest ways to control your blood sugar is to eat a little less of the foods you normally eatā€¦

Most people do not realize that the portion sizes they eat are too big (even our plates are bigger)ā€¦

Eat small meals throughout the day & emphasize nutrient-dense foods that you enjoy & can stick withā€¦

Nutrient-dense foods keep you energized & satisfied, here are just some examples:

  • Non-Starchy Vegetables: Carrots, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, french beans, beets & so onā€¦

  • Low-Sugar Fruits: Berries, kiwi, oranges, guava, papaya, pomegranates, all citrus fruits & moreā€¦

  • Nuts: Almonds, pistachios, peanuts, macadamias, walnuts, just to name a few...

  • Legumes: Beans, edamame (soybeans), chickpeas, lentils, etc..

  • Whole Grains: Quinoa, oats, millets, brown rice & whole-wheat productsā€¦

  • Lean, High Quality Meats: Skinless chicken or turkey, ground beef & pork tenderloinā€¦

  • Oily Fish: Salmon, mackerel & sardines (also good for Omega 3 fatty acids, as covered in a previous newsletter)...

  • Healthy Fats: Oils (avocado, olive, canola & peanut oils), avocados themselves, nuts or seeds, etcā€¦

What Not To Eat

While some foods (like the ones above) can help you, others hurt efforts to manage your blood sugar & overall function/wellbeingā€¦

You may even be surprised to realize that some of the foods you consider ā€˜healthyā€™ are actually unhealthy or not the best for you in this case because of their high carb content, lack of fiber or most importantly, limited nutritional valueā€¦

Here's a look at just a few of them:

  • Ultra-Processed Foods: Breakfast cereals, most breads, savory snacks, such as crisps, cakes, biscuits, pies & pastriesā€¦

  • Packaged Drinks: Colas, sodas & other fizzy / aerated / carbonated drinks, iced teas, pre-packaged juices, milkshakes, energy or sports drinks, even pre-packaged protein shakes & moreā€¦

  • Starchy Vegetables: Potatoes, corn, peas, cassava, butternut squash & plantainsā€¦

  • Limit High-Sugar Fruits: Overly ripe bananas, apples, watermelon, pineapple, dried dates, mangoes, pears, lychees & cherriesā€¦

  • Saturated Fats: Palm kernel oils, high-fat dairy products & animal proteins such as butter, hot dogs, sausage & baconā€¦

  • Trans Fats: Processed snacks, baked goods, shortening & margarine, etcā€¦

  • Cholesterol: Egg yolks, liver & other organ meats (note: aim for no more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol a day)...

  • Low quality salts: A lot of salt we eat is ā€˜hiddenā€™ in foods that come in a box, can, or package such as canned veggies, canned soups, frozen dinners, cold cuts & hot dogs, pizza, french fries, pickles & so onā€¦

Other Tips To Prevent/Reverse Diabetes

Here are 4 other key lifestyle changes that are proven to prevent your chances of developing diabetes risk factors & reverse it:

1. Exercise & Physical Activity

Alongside a diabetes-friendly diet, exercise & physical activity play a significant role in the prevention of diabetesā€¦

Physical activity increases insulin sensitivity (& helps reduce insulin resistance), so regular exercise is an important part of management for all people with diabetes (plus you can have more energy & feel more upbeat)ā€¦

Sit less & get physically active! Aim for 30 minutes a day at least five days a weekā€¦

2. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Being obese or overweight raises the risk of diabetes & also leads to chronic conditions that raise the chances of getting heart disease & certain cancersā€¦

Most people with diabetes will feel better if they lose even a few poundsā€¦

Work towards achieving a weight thatā€™s healthy for you ā€” even a modest (& very achievable) amount of weight/fat loss can help greatly lower your blood sugar & risk of diabetes/other health problems.

3. Get Enough + Good Quality Sleep

A 2012 study found a clear relationship between sleep disturbance/poor quality sleep & diabetes.

The researchers also said that sleep deprivation is a significant risk factor for diabetes, which can sometimes be controlledā€¦

The amount & quality of your sleep can influence your eating habits, mood, memory & moreā€¦

Get adequate sleep (typically 7 to 9 hours) & also work towards managing sleep disorders if you have anyā€¦

People who don't get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes & mental health disorders such as anxiety & depressionā€¦ 

4. Manage Stress

Researchers have been discussing the potential link between diabetes & stress since the 17th century!

Also, stress can both contribute to & be a consequence of diabetesā€¦

For example, they may overeat, drink, or smokeā€¦

You can boost your health by finding other ways to manage stress. Healthy habits include physical activity, relaxation exercises, mindfulness, yoga, breathwork or meditationā€¦

Being diagnosed with diabetes is a life-altering event, but it doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t live a happy & healthy lifeā€¦

Managing diabetes involves consistent care & diligenceā€¦

And healing (or proactive prevention) is 100% possible!

It can be achieved through healthy food choices & lifestyle changes such as what we shared before, amongst others!

Doing the right things consistently supports your body to function as it should, so you can enjoy life to its fullest šŸ˜ƒ 


In case you missed the announcement, we just released a brand new Potencia course (in partnership with the worldā€™s leading expert on the topic; with 53+ years of experience) which is called:

If youā€™re a subscriber of our health-focused newsletter, we know youā€™re always looking for simple, powerful & proven ways to support your body, reverse (or prevent) disease/health problems & stay healthy, no matter your ageā€¦

Well, breathwork (& in-depth program all about it!) is the perfect example of a health-enhancing, disease-preventing & life-extending practice thatā€™s scientifically-proven to create remarkable changes in your body, in how you look, feel & the quality of life forever:



ā€œIf you want a relaxed body, you can do it by relaxing your mind. If you want a relaxed mind, relax your body.ā€

Jay Winner


Coconuts (Or... The 'Everyday Superfood' Rich In Electrolytes, Healthy Fats & Anti-Inflammatory Properties)ā€¦ Plus: How To Consume More Of Them In Your Everyday Life!

Before we delve into the various ways to incorporate more coconuts into your daily life, let's explore why these tropical gems are hailed as a natural health powerhouse that tribes around the world have been consuming for generations.

Coconuts offer a wide array of health benefits & their unique properties have also been extensively studied & celebrated by the scientific community.

Here are some key research findings that underscore the remarkable health benefits of coconuts:

1. Rich in Electrolytes:

Coconut water is often referred to as "nature's sports drink" due to its rich electrolyte content.

Research has shown that it can effectively replenish lost electrolytes, making it an ideal choice for rehydration, particularly after physical activity or in hot climates (more on this in a momentā€¦)

2. Heart-Healthy Fats:

Coconuts are a source of healthy fats, particularly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats have been linked to improved heart health by raising levels of "good" HDL cholesterol & promoting overall cardiovascular well-being.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Coconut products, such as coconut milk & oil, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have suggested that the compounds found in coconuts may help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of various chronic & lifestyle diseases!

4. Weight Management:

Contrary to the misconception that high-fat foods are unhealthy, the fats in coconuts can actually support weight management. Research has shown that MCTs may increase feelings of fullness & lead to reduced calorie consumption, aiding in weight loss efforts.

5. Skin, Hair, and Nail Benefits:

Coconuts are packed with nutrients that can enhance the health and appearance of your skin, hair, and nails. The topical application of coconut oil, in particular, has been shown to improve skin hydration, reduce hair damage, and strengthen nails.

6. Antioxidant Properties:

Coconuts contain antioxidants that help combat free radicals & oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining overall health & reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

These research findings highlight the numerous health benefits associated with coconuts, from their role in promoting hydration and heart health to their anti-inflammatory and weight management properties.

Speaking of which, here are some ways you can leverage the healing & health powers of coconuts in your everyday life:

- Coconut Water (For Hydration):

As mentioned, coconut water is perhaps the best, natural hydration there is. So say goodbye to sports drinks filled, which are often loaded with artificial additives. Instead, opt for coconut water, a natural source of electrolytes like potassium, perfect for rehydration.

- Coconut Oil (For Cooking):

When it comes to cooking oils, choose coconut oil for its high smoke point, making it a safe & healthy option for various cooking methods. Unlike some other oils, it won't become carcinogenic when heated.

- Coconut Milk & Cream (In Recipes):

These dairy alternatives are wonderfully alkaline & less acidic than cow's milk. By using coconut milk and cream, you can reduce inflammation and promote overall well-being!

- Coconut Flesh (On It's Own Or In Recipes):

Rich in essential fats, coconut flesh not only curbs hunger & food cravings but also offers a myriad of health benefits. From improving your hair, skin, nails to supporting heart, brain, central nervous system, and joint health, coconut flesh is a nutritional powerhouse. It can also be consumed on it's own as a delicious snack!

- Coconut Ice Cream & Yogurt (As A Delicious Snack):

Speaking of snacks, if you're going to indulge, coconut ice cream & yogurt is a great healthy alternative to traditional ice creamā€¦

(Remember to choose organic options to avoid unnecessary additives and preservatives)

Incorporating coconut into your daily routine can be a tasty & nutritious choice, making it a versatile addition to your diet.

Whether you're looking to stay hydrated, cook healthily, or enjoy a guilt-free dessert, coconuts have you covered. Say yes to coconut & boost your nutrition, health, and well-being today!

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