Inflammation, Garlic, Habits & More

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ā€˜Inflammationā€™ (What Is It + The Most Effective Ways To Reduce/Reverse It, Enhancing Your Health & Wellbeing!)

Believe it or not but ā€˜inflammationā€™ is actually a good thing (just like your bodyā€™s stress/fight-or-flight response is good & important)ā€¦

We can even go further & say that inflammation is one of the body's most amazing superpowers, helping you to effectively respond to & deal with threats such as cuts, scars, injury, or infectionsā€¦

When you cut your finger or sprain your ankle for example, what happens?

It becomes red, it swells up & you feel the warmth, the pain, or discomfort in that affected area ā€“ these are visible signs indicating that ā€˜inflammationā€™ has kicked inā€¦

And this response is obviously very important hereā€¦

Itā€™s your body (your immune system) springing into action, bringing its army of special cells to attack & isolate invaders, protect us, to clean up debris and/or begin healing any injured tissue & organsā€¦

And in a healthy body, this inflammation kicks into high gear when we need itā€¦ & then (just as importantly) it returns back to normal once health is restored ā€“ known as ā€˜acute inflammationā€™ā€¦

But unfortunately, this is not always what happensā€¦

Sometimes, inflammation persists (usually fueled by unhealthy habits, as weā€™ll exploreā€¦) as a condition known as ā€˜chronic inflammationā€™ & this is where the issues occurā€¦

Unlike ā€˜acute inflammationā€™ which helps your body healā€¦ ā€˜chronic inflammationā€™ does not switch off & your immune system ends up being constantly active & ultimately doing more harm than good (as it begins attacking & actually damaging healthy body tissues & organsā€¦)

It can also trigger chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, dementia & moreā€¦

In this weekā€™s newsletter, weā€™re covering chronic inflammation & ways you can reduce/reverse/avoid it, making you healthier & happier.

Letā€™s dive inā€¦

Itā€™s not easy to pinpoint the cause of chronic inflammation because experts say that it occurs when the immune system goes awryā€¦

But often it can be triggered by a number of factors:

  • Lifestyle factors such as eating a diet that isnā€™t healthy, too little exercise, chronic stress, sleep problems, excessive alcohol consumption or smoking, as weā€™ll exploreā€¦

  • Exposure to toxins, like pollution or industrial chemicals

  • Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus

Like in our other newsletters, weā€™re going to focus on the elements that you can control & changeā€¦

6 Proven Ways To Reduce/Reverse Inflammation

Here are a few strategies to combat inflammation in the body & even help to reverse it:

1. Upgrading Your Diet

One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy but from the grocery storeā€¦

Many studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have ā€˜anti-inflammatory effectsā€™

Evidence also suggests a link between a primarily plant-based diet & lower inflammationā€¦

An anti-inflammatory diet is typically based on whole, nutrient-dense foods that contain antioxidants.

These work by reducing levels of free radicals, which are reactive molecules that may cause inflammation when theyā€™re not held in checkā€¦

Food to include as part of your own ā€˜anti-inflammatoryā€™ diet are:

  • Vegetables: such as broccoli, kale, bell peppers, brussels sprouts, cabbage & cauliflower

  • Fruit: especially deeply colored fruits like blueberries, pomegranates, grapes & cherries

  • Healthy fats: like avocados & olives (you can also use olive or avocado oil as part of your cooking/meals)

  • Fatty fish: such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring & anchovies

  • Nuts & Seeds: which are high in omega-3s such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, flax seeds & chia seeds

  • Spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, black pepper, cinnamon, etc

  • Herbs: calendula, chamomile, oregano, mint, rosemary

  • Fermented foods: yogurt, kefir, fermented cottage cheese, sauerkraut & kimchi

  • Beverages: kombucha, black coffee, green tea or red wineā€¦

Other foods are associated with an increased risk of chronic inflammation.

Consider minimizing/avoiding the following:

  • Sugary beverages: such as soda, energy drinks & fruit juices as we covered in a previous newsletter.

  • Refined carbs: like white bread & white pasta

  • Fried foods: including many fast/junk food items

  • Desserts: such as cookies, candy, cake & ice cream

  • Processed meats: like hot dogs, bologna & sausages

  • Processed snack foods: including crackers, chips & pretzels

  • Certain oils: such as processed seed & vegetable oils like canola, soy & corn oilā€¦

Nextā€¦ going hand in hand with a good diet isā€¦

2. Regular Exercise

The benefits of exercise are nearly endless & fighting inflammation is one of them...

When your muscles contract, your immune cells secrete a cytokine that has anti-inflammatory propertiesā€¦


Studies show that at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5 days a week can greatly help reduce inflammation.

3. Prioritizing Your Sleep

While youā€™re sleeping, your body is hard at work repairing itself, which includes regulating inflammationā€¦

A review of multiple studies found that people who experienced sleep disturbances & shorter sleep had higher levels of inflammation biomarkers, like C-reactive protein (CRP) that can lead to chronic health conditionsā€¦

Aim to get the recommended amount every night, which is 7 to 9 hours for adultsā€¦ as well as ensure your sleep is of high quality.

We covered lifestyle & environmental factors that affect your sleep (& ways you can fall asleep easier & sleep better at night) in this other newsletter we wrote.

4. Managing Stress

When you experience stress day in & day out, it causes your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to secrete hormones that suppress your immune system & it can lead to chronic inflammationā€¦

Relaxing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga & tai chi are very effective in alleviating this stressā€¦

5. Avoid Smoking, Alcohol & Other Bad Habits

Toxins inhaled in cigarette smoke trigger inflammation in the airways, damage lung tissue & increase the risk of lung cancer & other health problemsā€¦

Also, alcohol disrupts the gut microbiome & can also contribute to chronic inflammationā€¦

6. Watch Your Weight

Obesity is strongly linked to chronic inflammation & research shows that having excess fat tissue stimulates bodywide inflammationā€¦

The good news is that even modest weight loss can reduce those inflammatory biomarkers & lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases & other chronic conditionsā€¦

Living an "anti-inflammatory life" isn't always easyā€¦

By a certain age, most people have some degree of inflammation in their bodiesā€¦

The key is to keep it from becoming excessiveā€¦

And to minimize it through healthy habits such as the ones outlines aboveā€¦

We also understand that this information isnā€™t exactly revolutionary, itā€™s basic but itā€™s the basics that workā€¦

Weā€™re always going to recommend nutrition, exercise, sleep & other foundational habits like this (over magic pills, potions, supplements, pharmaceutical drugs, etc that promise you the world but donā€™t actually workā€¦ or come with a list of side-effect) as this is whatā€™s going to get you the best results over time šŸ˜ƒ 


2x More Amazing Content For Free!

If youā€™re not yet subscribed to our other, companion newsletter where each week we outline the best habitsā€¦ scientifically-proven to improve not just your physical, but your mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing, as well as your work, career & relationships with othersā€¦

ā€¦nowā€™s your reminder to do exactly that. Itā€™s called:

As part of it, we do the heavy lifting & boring work of sifting through the latest scientific research, research journals & studies for you...

...identifying, curating & delivering you a detailed breakdown of these very best habits that you can build...

(the ones scientifically-proven to make the biggest difference for you; also as practices by the world's most successful people!)... help you transform not only your health & fitness, but also your income, relationships with others & overall happiness in life!



ā€œWhat most people donā€™t realize is that food is not just calories: Itā€™s information. It actually contains messages that communicate to every cell in the body.ā€

Dr. Mark Hyman


ā€˜Garlicā€™ (Orā€¦ The Timeless Herbal Remedy You Can Use To Fight Infection, Parasites & Stop Sickness)

Garlic has always been a potent herbal remedy that offers a multitude of health advantages... (also backed by an impressive array of scientific studies).

Here, we delve into the top 5 specific benefits that this remarkable herb brings to the table:

  1. Cough Relief - Sometimes, the simplest remedies provide the most effective solutions. If you find yourself grappling with a persistent cough, consider the power of raw garlicā€¦

    Its properties have proven to be more efficacious than common cough syrups.

    A raw garlic clove, when chewed, can promptly quell coughing, allowing for peaceful sleep until morning.

  2. Heart Health - Garlic holds a significant place in promoting cardiovascular well-being. It addresses various cardiac issues, including high blood pressure.

    One of its remarkable attributes is its potential to reduce plaque buildup within the coronary arteriesā€¦

    Research suggests that incorporating Aged Garlic Extract as a supplement can notably diminish arterial plaque, even in individuals with metabolic syndrome.

  3. Anticancer Properties - Extensive research highlights garlic's role in both cancer prevention & treatment.

    According to the National Cancer Institute, for example, garlic's antibacterial properties & its capacity to inhibit the formation of cancer-causing substances contribute to its protective effects.

    Itā€™s multifaceted benefits include DNA repair enhancement, suppression of cell proliferation, & induction of cell death.

  4. Parasite Combatant - Garlic's historical usage in warding off vampires parallels its efficacy in combating parasites. These organisms thrive by taking from their host without giving anything in returnā€¦

    Garlic's properties are potent enough to offer a solutionā€¦

    Incorporating garlic into your diet/food along with suitable herbal extracts, aids in ridding your body of parasites!

  5. Diabetes & Cholesterol Management - Garlic's versatility extends to the management of common ailments like diabetes and high cholesterol.

Incorporating garlic into your daily routine might just be the flavorful boost your overall wellness needs.

Remember, embracing a diverse array of herbs & spices, each with its own remarkable benefits, contributes to a healthier lifestyle.

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