Packaged Drinks, Real Food & High-Protein Egg Recipe

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Packaged Drinks (Or... How The Consumption Of Artificial, Sugar-Filled Beverages Really Affect Health + Simple Tips To Improve Yours Today)

In a previous newsletter, we learned about how processed food is the biggest cause of lifestyle disease & ways to improve your eatingā€¦

This week, we are going to build on that with a deep dive into another relatively new category that now dominates modern supermarket shelves...

We're talking, of course, about packaged drinks.

These include colas, sodas & other fizzy/aerated/carbonated drinks, iced teas, pre-packaged juices, milkshakes, energy or sports drinks, even pre-packaged protein shakes & more...

They are readily available everywhere & can be consumed with almost anything, including snacks & mealsā€¦

They are thirst-quenching, providing hydration to the bodyā€¦ (which explains why the purchase rate of packaged drinks increases to a great extent during the summer seasonā€¦)

They are also heavily advertised nowadays by celebrities, athletes & the mainstream media as a whole...

ā€¦what they also are is terrible for your health! (including many of the ones advertised as ā€˜healthyā€™ in some way)

So, not only are people everywhere eating processed foods & consuming large quantities of sugar as part of their diet already (which we also covered in another newsletter)ā€¦

ā€¦but if all that wasn't enough, are also loading even more of this into their body through the beverages that they drinkā€¦

Today, we'll cover the exact reasons why you want to avoid these (you may know these reasons already, but we're sure they'll serve as a good reminder)ā€¦ before providing actionable steps you can take to reduce your intake & opt for healthy alternatives.

Starting with the reasons to avoid:

1. High Levels Of Sugar

Why are these drinks so popular?

Well, they are convenient & celebrities are endorsing them like crazy (even thought, in many cases the celebrities or athletes themselves don't/wouldn't drink it, they only still feel itā€™s ok to put their face on it & tell you to drink it)...

However, there's another reason (one that makes people not just buy them, but also keep buying them over time) & that's the nutritional profile of the beverage themselves... (or the lack of it!)

The main ingredient in the majority of these drinks is added sugar.

(in a 12oz can of cola, for example, there are 39g of sugar!)

And sugar, we know, is as addictive (if not more) than most drugs on the market...


One study on rats even concluded that sugar is more addictive than cocaine!

Although to be fair, it's not all so-called 'sugar'...

Naturally-occurring sugar (for example, found in fruit) is good... but the type of sugar found in these beverages (e.g. from high fructose corn syrup) is the opposite & wreaks havoc on our health...

This sugar is an inhibitor of the absorption of both vitamins & minerals in our body & strong evidence indicates that consuming packaged drinks regularly directly contributes to a higher risk of obesity, type-2 diabetes & cardiovascular disease (which is the #1 cause of death in the world)ā€¦

2. Amounts Of Caffeine

Many packaged drinks (including some you might not even suspect) also contain caffeine in varying amounts, which is also addictive (just ask your coworker who didn't get his morning cup of coffee)ā€¦

Although caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increasing energy, as well as stamina, mood, reaction times, overall productivity (if paired with a worthwhile task), mood & more... high quantities of caffeine are also dangerous, bad for health & you want to avoid!

3. Contain Artificial Additives

Another major drawback of packaged drinks is that they contain a large number of artificial additives & colouring agents, which can affect our health in various waysā€¦

Aspartame, an artificial sweetener often found in packaged drinks, is shown to lead to brain damage, for exampleā€¦

(Many people also have reported dizziness, headaches, & epileptic-like seizures after ingesting aspartame)

A well-known yellow food colorant (ā€˜tartrazineā€™) used in packaged drinks has been linked to cancer, asthma attacks, allergic reactions, tumours, chromosomal damage & hyperactivityā€¦

And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Itā€™s also why you may want to avoid 'diet' versions of drinks & opt for the full-sugar originals instead (Coke vs Diet Coke for instance)ā€¦ as those supposedly-healthier 'diet' versions have these artificial things as the replacement for the sugar, potentially making them even more net negative for your healthā€¦

You are, of course, choosing between 2 evils here & the best solution is to just not drink Coke altogether & replace it with the healthy option we suggest belowā€¦

note: If the list of ingredients inside the proceeded food (or in this case, drink) is a hundred items long, containing long names you can't even pronounce, generally a good sign to run in the other direction!

4. Provide No Nutritional Value

And all in all, these packaged drinks just add 0 nutritional value; the definition of 'empty calories'...

The ingredients in these drinks can never possibly benefit the health of the individuals who consume them, so why consume them in the first place?... (don't you want to consume stuff that not only tastes good but makes you feel good as well?)

Based on all of this, you may want to consider cutting these types of drinks entirely (which would be a wise choice) or greatly reducing your intake (it's ok to enjoy a sweetener beverage occasionally, but not regularly)...

Let's cover some alternatives for what you can drink instead...

1. A Return To Water

Perhaps the most expected answer is you can opt for water instead of these sugary drinksā€¦

When buying bottled water, pick the water in glass bottles instead of plastic onesā€¦

At home, we also don't recommend drinking tap water & instead suggest you get a good quality filter or buy good quality water to consume...

And the absolute best, cleanest, healthiest (as well as best tasting) water you can have is from a springā€¦

You can check out resources like & see if there is a spring near youā€¦ (if not, start asking around at your local yoga class, alternative health events, organic food markets, etc.)

2. Want Bubbles? Choose Sparkling Water...

A key part of this is realizing what exactly you're craving & it might just be the bubbles (the fizziness) not the sugar-filled stuff around it...

In which cases, sparkling water becomes a great alternative here...

When you're craving a drink/bubbles, even though it's water, if it has a similar feel (sparkling) that can give you some of what you were craving, without the negative health effects!

3. Make Infused Water For Flavours

You can try infusing water with fresh fruits & herbs to provide different flavors without adding sugar & caloriesā€¦

It's very easy to make a large pitcher on a morning filled with filtered water & fresh fruits or herbs & simply let it infuse all on its ownā€¦

Fresh mint leaves with lime are some of the best things to tryā€¦

Cucumber is another nice flavour that goes with mint, or it's delicious on its ownā€¦

You can also toss one cinnamon stick & chill in the fridge overnightā€¦ (this may sound strange if you've never heard/tried this before & it's not for everybody, but it's definitely worth a try - at least once.)

4. Freshly Squeezed Fruit Or Vegetable Juices

Another great alternative is not packaged, but freshly-squeezed, natural fruit or veggie juices that can not only taste amazing, but also greatly improve your health!

We covered 'juicing' in other newsletters & will continue to keep coming back to it in future, as itā€™s one of the absolute best ways to greatly improve your nutrition, health & fitness!

5. Homemade Smoothies

Similarly, when you are in the mood for something sweet, you can also try a smoothie (assuming it's made of good ingredients, not loaded with sugar, or something you make yourself with a blender)...

If you're making at home, just blend in some fruits & veggies together with water, ice or milk/yoghurt (can also be a plant-based alternative) & itā€™s ready to serve. Quick & easy!

Smoothies, like juices, are an excellent way to increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables & other healthy foodsā€¦

6. Coffee (Instead Of Other Caffeinated Drinks)

A cup of coffee contains naturally occurring caffeine & can offer enough caffeine to support energy levels without added sweeteners such as flavored syrups, or whipped creamā€¦.

Coffee, we remind you, like anything, can differ a lot...

An Expresso made from local, organic coffee beans made in Italy is very (very!) different than a highly-proceeded Starbucks latte (which is mainly milk, little actual ā€˜coffeeā€™) & with all of those added sugars, syrups, whipped cream & more...

In the first example, the 'coffee' may be good for you (in moderation) while in the 2nd, it can taste great but be undoubtedly terrible for your overall health & wellbeing!

7. Coconut Water (Instead Of Sports Drinks)

Coconut water is referred to as ā€˜natureā€™s sports drinkā€™ due to its rich electrolyte content, which makes it an excellent choice to rehydrate yourself after an intense workout or sportsā€¦

Coconut water has a lot more potassium content than your regular sports drinksā€¦ & also free from added colors, sweeteners & flavoursā€¦

Plus, coconut water offers a wide array of health benefits & we have discussed them in detail in another one of our newslettersā€¦

In sum, and as the American Heart Association suggests, you should think twice before reaching for your favourite beverage to quench your thirstā€¦

Packaged drinks are actually the #1 source of added sugars in our diet (as well as full of other junk that ruins your health, in addition to causing weight gain...)

Remember that when it comes eating healthy (& reaping the benefits that come from better nutrition) comes down to this: making smart choices & building good habits.

And you can always swap artificial, sugar-filled beverages for healthier options, as we've explored in this section... (you can also support your friends, family & loved ones to do the same!)


This Thursday, weā€™re doing a very special, live training for the Potencia community called:

In just 90 minutes, youā€™ll learn the secrets that the worldā€™s healthiest, happiest & longest-living people use toā€¦ reverse any pain, disease or health problemsā€¦ to keep weight off permanentlyā€¦ unlock superhuman energy levelsā€¦ (& live up to 10 years longer!)

...all WITHOUT dieting.. wasting a fortune on supplements, weight shakes, or expensive home exercise equipment... or spending every waking hour at the gym, working out 'til you puke!


ā€˜Shakshukaā€™ (Or... Easy, High-Protein Egg Recipe For All-Day Energy!)

Eggs can provide high-quality protein alongside many essential vitamins & minerals, making them a viable option for healthy nutritionā€¦ 

They have been the most modest kitchen staple for ages... the best part is they are versatile & easy to cookā€¦

You can poach, scramble, whip them up in an omelet with some veggies, or try making one of the different kinds of fried eggsā€¦

If you need more reasons to eat eggs, they are also cheap & add protein to any meal, making them an excellent breakfast, lunch & even dinner optionā€¦

This week, we want to show you how to quickly make 'shakshuka', a nutritious high-protein meal that is easy to prepare & takes less than 30 minutesā€¦

Shakshuka is a popular dish with eggs that are gently poached in a simmering mixture of tomatoes, bell peppers, onions & garlicā€¦

It is commonly spiced with cumin, paprika & cayenne pepper...

It's very filling which makes it a perfect option for breakfast & lunchā€¦

You can serve it with sourdough bread, pita bread, or tortillas (although make sure you opt for high quality as most supermarket 'bread' is some of the worst stuff you can eat for your health!)ā€¦

Alternatively, if you want to try something different (& usually healthier) you can serve it over some hummus, or grains like quinoa or barleyā€¦

  • Serves: 4 people

  • Time: 30 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1 large onion, halved & thinly sliced

  • 1 large bell pepper, seeded & thinly sliced

  • 4 garlic cloves minced

  • 1 can of tomato puree

  • 1 tsp paprika powder 

  • Ā½ tsp cumin powder

  • Ā½ tsp cayenne pepper

  • Ā¼ tsp black pepper

  • Himalayan pink salt or sea salt to taste

  • 5-6 large eggs

  • 1 bunch of parsley & cilantro, chopped


  1. Heat oil in a pan on medium heat

  2. Add minced garlic & cook until it is tender

  3. Add onions & bell peppers & cook for 5 minutes or until the onion becomes translucent

  4. Add the spices & salt & cook for an additional minute

  5. Pour in tomato puree, & bring the mixture to a simmer, for about 10 minutes

  6. Using a large spoon, make small wells in the mixture & crack the eggs into each well

  7. Season the eggs with some salt & pepper

  8. Cook the eggs for about 5 minutes or until the eggs are done to your liking

  9. You can also cover the pan with a lid to expedite the eggs cooking

  10. Top it with fresh parsley & cilantro leaves

  11. Serve it with the bread, pita, hummus, quinoa or whatever you choose...

On the topic of delicious, healthy recipes (& how to improve your nutrition without having to sacrifice the foods you love)ā€¦ check out the full Potencia fitness course on the topic, called:



ā€œA fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought ā€“ they must be earned.

Naval Ravikant


Ultra Processed People: The Science Behind The Food That Isn't Food

Speaking of proceeded food/drink, in this fascinating new book, Chris Van Tulleken takes us on an even deeper dive into this world of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) & their profound impact on our health, society & the planet as a whole...

With a narrative as engaging as it is informative, Van Tulleken, a doctor & award-winning broadcaster, leverages his personal experiences & extensive research to unveil the unsettling truth behind the convenience foods that dominate our diets...

Van Tulleken's exploration begins with a personal experiment ā€” subsisting on a diet made up predominantly of UPFs for a monthā€¦

(similar to experiments like 'SuperSize' eating fast-food for a month or others like it sinceā€¦)

The results are as shocking as they are enlightening, laying the groundwork for a broader examination of how these foods, engineered for addiction & convenience, have infiltrated our food supply...

His narrative is bolstered by a mix of scientific analysis, historical context & a critique of the food industry's role in promoting these products, despite their known health risks...

What sets this book apart is not just its thorough dissection of the problem but its compassionate approach toward solutions...

Van Tulleken argues that the issue of UPFs transcends individual choice, implicating larger systemic forces at play, including government policies, global economics & societal norms....

He calls for a collective awakening to the dangers of UPFs & suggests practical steps for consumers, policymakers & the food industry to mitigate their impact.

"Ultraā€“Processed People" is a must-read for anyone concerned about their health, the environment, or the future of food.

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