Yoga, Avocado's & Coconuts

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Yoga (Or... The Timeless Form Of Exercise Proven To Transform Body, Mind & Spirit!)

To start, it's worth noting that yoga is not only a timeless practice that people & tribes have been using for generations for various physical, mental, emotional, even spiritual, benefits...

It has also been put to the test, rigorously studied & scientifically validated, specifically over the past few decades...

Here are just some of the documented benefits:

1. Enhanced Flexibility & Mobility

Yoga is renowned for enhancing flexibility, which is essential for overall physical well-being… as well as for longevity with various studies proving that it’s those who are more flexible & mobile (especially at older ages) that end up living longer than their peers…

One study found that participants who engaged in a 12-week yoga program significantly increased their flexibility compared to a control group!

2. Rapid Stress Relief

In today's fast-paced world, yoga is a powerful antidote & tool for stress relief. Numerous scientific studies have indicated that yoga reduces the levels of stress hormones & promotes deep states of calm & relaxation!

Research conducted at prestigious institutions like Harvard Medical School has shown that yoga can reduce perceived stress & improve mood, contributing to better mental health & emotional wellbeing in life…

3. Improved Breathing

Yoga places a strong emphasis on breath control, known as pranayama. Studies have shown that pranayama techniques improve lung function & increase oxygen uptake.

One study found that yogic breathing exercises are effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety & depression!

4. Better Cardiovascular & Heart Health

Yoga promotes cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease & improving circulation.

Research from the American Heart Association suggests that yoga, particularly when combined with other healthy lifestyle practices, can have a positive impact on heart health!

5. Whole-Body Muscular Strength, Tone & Endurance

Think yoga won't help you to look better or be stronger? Think again!

Yoga poses engage various muscle groups, contributing to both strength & endurance improvements, as proven by several studies…

Additionally, regular yoga practice helps improve muscle tone, giving your body a leaner & more sculpted appearance too.

6. Improved Posture & Pain Relief

Yoga emphasizes body awareness & alignment, which can lead to better posture. Research suggests that yoga can correct postural deviations & reduce the risk of musculoskeletal problems.

Additionally, yoga is often used as a complementary therapy to alleviate various types of pain, including back pain, arthritis, & migraines… with research concluding that yoga can effectively reduce chronic pain & improve pain-related disability!

7. Detoxification & Healing

Certain yoga poses & practices are believed to support the detoxification of specific organs in your body…

While the scientific evidence on this aspect in particular is quite limited, yoga's ability to improve circulation & support the body's natural detoxification processes is well-recognized!

In summary, yoga offers a multitude of physical health & wellness benefits, as well as others that extend well beyond the physical realm such as yoga's ability to relieve stress or anxiety & even as an effective cure for depression…

So, what's the advice?

Give it a go!

If you already practice yoga, that's amazing...

But if you don't (maybe you think it's not for you, it's too boring, or not worth the time) we recommend you at least give it a proper go as the research is undeniable!

Speaking of which, let us know…

Do you practice yoga?

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Avocado Delight (Or... A Healthy ‘Food Craving Curber’ Snack That Also Tastes Absolutely Delicious!)

This week, we bring you the best of both worlds... a snack that is both incredibly nutritious & positively delicious (the ultimate food craving curber if you will!)

Whether you’re a bit of a chocolate addict or you’re someone who usually snacks on sugary yogurts (actually, even when it’s ‘natural’ or ‘plain’ yogurt, it still ain't good for you as it’s still acid forming in the body)… this recipe will fill the void of cutting out unhealthy snacks with ease!

Avocado’s, for one, are an amazing source of good fats, which are essential for your body, health & will make you feel full.

(much better than sugar might satisfy you for a moment, then you'll come crashing back down to Earth & you will need more sugar - leading to weight gain.)

To illustrate just how ‘essential’ these essential fats are… they massively contribute to your heart, brain, joint, eye, skin, hair & nail health & more.

Also in this amazingly simple recipe is cacao powder...

Cacao is the far less processed sister to cocoa - it’s more bitter in taste than the smooth, chocolatey cocoa powder, but more of its nutrients are kept intact.

2 such nutrients inside are magnesium & potassium, which are key to good health!

We also have a little natural sugar in the form of the nutrient-dense, immune-boosting, raw honey...

Studies have shown that when someone replaces refined sugar & fructose with honey, they lose weight & lower their blood sugar

Just make sure it’s raw (locally sourced is even better!) & not the heavily processed, commercial honey you’ll find in the supermarket.

(vegan alternative: you can replace with agave or maple syrup.)

And finally, we have a sprinkling of chia seeds, which (fun fact!) the Aztecs and Mayans used to give to their warriors before battle, to keep them strong & energized!

  • Serves: 2 people

  • Time: 3 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 1 avocado

  • ½ tablespoon cacao powder

  • 1 teaspoon raw honey

  • Sprinkle chia seeds


  1. Slice avocado in half, lengthways

  2. Deseed and squeeze contents out onto a plate

  3. Add cacao powder and raw honey

  4. Mash it with a fork until smooth

  5. Place back into original skins

  6. Sprinkle with chia seeds

  7. Serve and enjoy!


We’re gifting you free access to our brand new training series which we’ve titled ‘Effortless Relaxation’

Inside you’ll learn the 8 scientifically-proven habits to release any & all stress, tune into deep states of relaxation, elevate your evening routine & get the best quality sleep of your life.


"The groundwork of all happiness is health."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

In addition to being common sense (it's much harder to be happy or feel at peace if you're suffering with poor health, pain in the body or a life-threatening disease)...

Various studies also scientifically prove that those who are healthier, fitter, more active & thriving physically are also happier emotionally!


Coconuts (Or... The 'Everyday Superfood' Rich In Electrolytes, Healthy Fats & Anti-Inflammatory Properties)Plus: How To Consume More Of Them In Your Everyday Life!

Before we delve into the various ways to incorporate more coconuts into your daily life, let's explore why these tropical gems are hailed as a natural health powerhouse that tribes around the world have been consuming for generations.

Coconuts offer a wide array of health benefits & their unique properties have also been extensively studied & celebrated by the scientific community.

Here are some key research findings that underscore the remarkable health benefits of coconuts:

1. Rich in Electrolytes:

Coconut water is often referred to as "nature's sports drink" due to its rich electrolyte content.

Research has shown that it can effectively replenish lost electrolytes, making it an ideal choice for rehydration, particularly after physical activity or in hot climates (more on this in a moment…)

2. Heart-Healthy Fats:

Coconuts are a source of healthy fats, particularly medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats have been linked to improved heart health by raising levels of "good" HDL cholesterol & promoting overall cardiovascular well-being.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Coconut products, such as coconut milk & oil, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have suggested that the compounds found in coconuts may help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of various chronic & lifestyle diseases!

4. Weight Management:

Contrary to the misconception that high-fat foods are unhealthy, the fats in coconuts can actually support weight management. Research has shown that MCTs may increase feelings of fullness & lead to reduced calorie consumption, aiding in weight loss efforts.

5. Skin, Hair, and Nail Benefits:

Coconuts are packed with nutrients that can enhance the health and appearance of your skin, hair, and nails. The topical application of coconut oil, in particular, has been shown to improve skin hydration, reduce hair damage, and strengthen nails.

6. Antioxidant Properties:

Coconuts contain antioxidants that help combat free radicals & oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining overall health & reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

These research findings highlight the numerous health benefits associated with coconuts, from their role in promoting hydration and heart health to their anti-inflammatory and weight management properties.

Speaking of which, here are some ways you can leverage the healing & health powers of coconuts in your everyday life:

- Coconut Water (For Hydration):

As mentioned, coconut water is perhaps the best, natural hydration there is. So say goodbye to sports drinks filled, which are often loaded with artificial additives. Instead, opt for coconut water, a natural source of electrolytes like potassium, perfect for rehydration.

- Coconut Oil (For Cooking):

When it comes to cooking oils, choose coconut oil for its high smoke point, making it a safe & healthy option for various cooking methods. Unlike some other oils, it won't become carcinogenic when heated.

- Coconut Milk & Cream (In Recipes):

These dairy alternatives are wonderfully alkaline & less acidic than cow's milk. By using coconut milk and cream, you can reduce inflammation and promote overall well-being!

- Coconut Flesh (On It's Own Or In Recipes):

Rich in essential fats, coconut flesh not only curbs hunger & food cravings but also offers a myriad of health benefits. From improving your hair, skin, nails to supporting heart, brain, central nervous system, and joint health, coconut flesh is a nutritional powerhouse. It can also be consumed on it's own as a delicious snack!

- Coconut Ice Cream & Yogurt (As A Delicious Snack):

Speaking of snacks, if you're going to indulge, coconut ice cream & yogurt is a great healthy alternative to traditional ice cream…

(Remember to choose organic options to avoid unnecessary additives and preservatives)

Incorporating coconut into your daily routine can be a tasty & nutritious choice, making it a versatile addition to your diet.

Whether you're looking to stay hydrated, cook healthily, or enjoy a guilt-free dessert, coconuts have you covered. Say yes to coconut & boost your nutrition, health, and well-being today!

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