The Truth About Protein, Wellness & Vietnamese Pho Recipe

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The Truth About Protein (+ 8 Of The Best, Healthiest Sources Of Protein To Improve Health, Fitness & Wellbeing)

Protein is a central component of a healthy diet...

It's the main macronutrient that regulates appetite with protein, by far the most filling of the food types (which is an insight that can be used for loss/management of weight)...

It's also the basic building block for muscle repair & growth (making higher quantity of protein especially important for athletes or those who engage in regular physical exercise)...

What's more (& despite certain misconceptions) protein actually does a lot more than just help with muscle growth & therefore everybody needs lots of it (not just aspiring 'bodybuilders')...

These other benefits of protein include: assisting in proper hormone production, enzyme function, supporting your immune system, being an additional source of energy & helping to maintain other key functions in your body...

We emphasize: everybody needs to consume sufficient/healthy amounts of protein; not just those looking to bulk/build muscle...

The next part to consider is thatā€¦


Not all protein sources are created equal!

And while many continue to rely on meat/animal products for the majority of their protein intake, meat can contribute to chronic inflammation, weight gain, gut issues & other health problems...

This is not to say that all meat is bad for you & you need to stop eating it...

On the contrary, good quality meat can be great in moderation, but you need to ensure that you do source, buy & consume high-quality animal products & not what most people are unfortunately consuming nowadays... (more on 'Processed Food' in a previous newsletter)...

A healthier option usually are the numerous plant-based protein options available out there...

(although, again, not necessarily, with most of the 'fake meat' products being likely potentially even worse for your health than regular meat...)

So, on either side of the spectrum ā€” meat or plant-based ā€” you can still suffer consequences if you're not careful...

So, what should you do?

If the answer isn't necessarily more meat & it isn't 'fake meat' products packed with various synthetic chemicals you definitely don't want in your body... what are the best, healthiest sources of protein that you can consume then?

Well, here are 8 examples of excellent plant-based protein sources we highly recommend incorporating more of into your diet:

1 - Lentils & Beans (11-20g per cup):

These are not only filling & nutrient-dense, but also serve as alkaline proteins, making them an ideal addition to any meal.

What's more, lentils & beans are not just rich in protein; they're also excellent sources of fiber, iron, folate & potassium... they help in improving digestive health, regulating blood sugar levels & are heart-friendly due to their low-fat contentā€¦

More proof can be found in the diets of people living in 'blue zones' which are the places where people live the longest...

In these places, beans are generally the cornerstone of their diet: black beans in Nicoya for example... or lentils, garbanzo/chickpea & white beans in the Mediterranean... or soybeans in Okinawa, Japan.

One finding was that people in the blue zones eat at least 4 times as many beans as Americans do on average!

2. Chickpeas (15g per cup):

One 'bean' we want to highlight in particular is the versatile powerhouse that is the chickpea (also known as 'garbanzo beans'). 

They are packed with protein, fiber & several key vitamins & minerals, including iron, phosphorus & B vitamins.

Like other beans, they are beneficial for heart health & can help in managing blood sugar levels.

And the 'versatile' part comes from their easy use in many recipes including in salads, soups or perhaps most famously, turned into hummus dipā€¦

3. Nuts & Seeds (15-30g per cup):

High in protein, nuts & seeds are excellent for your health. Some of the highest in protein include:

  1. Pumpkin Seeds ā€“ 30g

  2. Almonds ā€“ 21g

  3. Sunflower Seeds ā€“ 19g

  4. Sesame Seeds ā€“ 17g

  5. Cashews ā€“ 15g

Recommendation: due to the compounds found in nuts, it's recommended to soak them before consuming, ideally overnight (also applies to other foods like oats.)

4. Hemp Seeds (10g per 3 tablespoons):

One ā€˜seedā€™ we want to draw your attention to in particular is the hemp seed which is another great, complete proteinā€¦

They are also rich in healthy fats, including omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids.

They contain fiber, vitamin E & minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron & zincā€¦

Additionally, they can be added to almost anything ā€” sprinkled on salads, added to smoothies, or used in various baking recipes too.

5. Quinoa (9g per cup):

This gluten-free grain is a complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acidsā€¦

Quinoa is also high in fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus & vitamin E.

It's versatile in cooking, being a great addition to salads, soups & stir-fries (one example is this healthy stir-fry recipe covered in a previous newsletter.)

6. Tofu (32g per 100g):

A staple for many vegetarians/vegans (although not necessarily; everybody can enjoy this) is tofu, another highly-versatile protein source...

To address the taste factor, many complain about tofu's lack of taste, but that's only if you don't cook/season it properly & when you do, it can be both healthy as well as a delicious part of your diet...

(one example of that can be found in another previous newsletter where we cover the benefits of Tofu as part of a delicious tofu-based recipe, which you can read here.)

7. Tempeh (19g per 100g):

Similar to tofu & made from fermented soybeans, tempeh is not only high in protein but also beneficial for gut health due to its probiotic contentā€¦

It also provides vitamins & minerals like phosphorus, magnesium & iron too (its firm texture & nutty flavor make it a popular meat substitute)

8. Peas (8g per cup):

Finally, we recommend peas, particularly green peas, which are an underrated source of plant-based proteinā€¦

They provide about 8 grams of protein per cup, making them a strong contender in the plant protein arena, in addition to being high in fiber, rich in vitamins & minerals & great for heart health too!

Incorporating these healthy, plant-based proteins into your diet can significantly enhance your health & fitness regimeā€¦

Not only do they provide essential nutrients, but they also offer a sustainable & health-conscious alternative to traditional meat-based proteins!



ā€œLetā€™s build wellness rather than treat disease.ā€

Bruce Daggy

We wholeheartedly agree!

In today's crazy world of treating disease (or not even that, just the symptoms of disease, which is even worse!) we're approaching the entire topic of health completely backwardsā€¦

Instead, we should be looking for ways of proactively creating better health & wellness... fostering healthy habits, practices & a lifestyle in which disease cannot function!

(how about that for a shift in mindset/approach?)


If you haven't claimed your FREE* copy (just cover shipping) of our health & fitness instructor, Tom Broadwell's, bestselling health bookā€¦ what are you waiting for? Now's the time!

This highly controversial & revealing, no-bullshit health guide exposes everything, revealing precisely how you can achieve optimal health, lose weight permanently, live longer & look better nakedā€¦

(including: shocking information the big pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know & desperately hope you never find out!)


A Super-Healthy, Nutritious & Low Carb/Calorie 'Vietnamese Pho' Recipe That You're Sure To Love!

A delicious, healthy & traditional Vietnamese noodle soup dish made with tofu in our recipe, making it vegan (although you're welcome to switch out for good quality meat or fish if you'd like...)

This dish is also super light, fresh & almost entirely alkaline! 

The best noodles to use in our opinion are organic konjac noodles (also commonly known as shirataki noodles), but also known as ā€˜miracle noodlesā€™ because they are carb-free which aids massively in weight loss.

'Konjac noodles' are made from the root of the konjac plant (whoa, what a coincidence šŸ˜† )

In addition to being almost zero carb/caloriesā€¦ konjac noodles are also great for digestion, super healthy & keep your blood sugar steady - allowing for higher energy levels over a longer period of time, a lower risk of diabetes & no weight gain!

Pretty cool, eh?

If you are struggling to find 'konjac', some rice vermicelli noodles are an okay alternative in terms of flavour & appearance, however, they donā€™t come with all the health benefitsā€¦ so do your best to track down konjac noodles!

Back to the pho dish & what else will you find besides noodlesā€¦

Well, of course, we have the broth which is made up of onion, garlic (more on the health benefits here) ginger (covered here), chilli, an organic stock cube & the wonderfully healthy cloves too...

Fresh cloves, if you're not aware, have tons of health benefits including being popular in holistic dentistry as they fight gum disease, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial & powerful painkillers tooā€¦

Thrown in at the end is spring onion, cashew nuts, or tofu with some cooked tomatoes - making for a delightful party of flavours every mouthful. Enjoy!

  • Serves: 4 people

  • Time: 70 mins minimum (the longer you cook the better the flavours!)

  • Difficulty: Medium


  • 400g (1 pack) tofu

  • 400g konjac noodles

  • 1 large white onion

  • 3 spring onions

  • 15-20 cherry tomatoes

  • 1 (or more!) red chillies

  • 1 knob ginger

  • 5 cloves garlic

  • Handful cashew nuts

  • 5-10 fresh cloves

  • 1 lime

  • 1 organic vegetable stock cube

  • 1-2 tbsp avocado oil

  • Large pinch sea salt

  • 2-3 litres filtered water


  1. Beforehand, press tofu, letting sit for 20-30 minutes ideally.

  2. Peel and quarter onion, place in large pan

  3. Slice chilli & add to pan

  4. Peel & dice garlic adding to pan with cloves

  5. Slice ginger (no need to peel) and add to pan

  6. Dissolve organic stock cube in 1 litre of near-boiling water and add to pan with 1-2 litres more near-boiling filtered water (until large pan is about half full)

  7. Cook on low heat for at least 1 hour (the longer the better, in Vietnam they cook for around 24 hours!)

  8. Finely chop spring onion

  9. Slice tofu into mouth sized squares

  10. Slice lime in wedges

  11. Cut cherry tomatoes in half

  12. Drizzle generous amount of avocado oil into large frying pan on medium heat

  13. Fry tofu in single layers until browned on all sides

  14. Now add tomatoes to frying pan and gently give a good stir

  15. Rinse noodles in a large sieve to remove any residue from manufacturing process

  16. Add noodles to your broth with sea salt for final 2-3 minutes

  17. Add broth to each soup bowl along with noodles

  18. Next add cashew nuts and spring onions to each soup bowl, placing the tofu and tomatoes on top

  19. Serve with a wedge of lime and enjoy your healthy pho!

On the topic of delicious, healthy recipes (& how to improve your nutrition without having to sacrifice the foods you love)ā€¦ check out the full Potencia nutrition course on the topic, called:


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