Sauna's, Garlic, Holistic Health & What To Eat

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‘Heat Exposure’ (Or… How To Use This Often-Overlooked Modality To Greatly Enhance Your Health, Mood & Radically Reduce Your Risk Of Disease Or Death!)

Heat exposure, put simply, is the process of consciously exposing your body to hotter temperatures in various forms — which you can find an exhaustive list of at the bottom of the section…

Although, let’s start with a simpler question… why?

Why would you want to expose yourself to hotter temperatures?

Well, it's not just because it can feel good, but also because these practices offer incredible physical, mental & emotional benefits.

Here's what the science teaches us about heat exposure:

Benefits Of ‘Heat Exposure’:

1. Increased blood flow & circulation

One of the most notable physical effects of all forms of heat exposure is the increase in blood flow & circulation that it stimulates, delivering more oxygen & nutrients to the body's tissues & promoting health, healing & recovery…

(when blood flow is increased, it also helps remove waste products & toxins from the body, further improve health & well-being.)

This then leads to other benefits like...

2. Greater muscle relaxation, relief from soreness, pain & faster overall recovery

As blood flow & circulation increase (& more oxygen & nutrients are delivered to the body's tissues, including to the muscles), inflammation in your muscles is reduced, tension (or stiffness / pain) you experience can begin to dissipate, your muscles can relax & you recover faster…

Quick Tip: Post Workout Heat Exposure

Based on this distinction, one great time for taking a hot shower, bath or getting in the sauna/steam room is after a workout to release tension in the muscles, get rid of soreness & help your body to recover faster.

Another benefit is...

3. Reduced inflammation & lower risk of disease

Inflammation is a natural response to injury & can be helpful in some cases, however, chronic inflammation can lead to a host of health problems (it's essentially the root cause of all lifestyle disease!).

What heat exposure can do is help to reduce this inflammation, improving your health, wellbeing, or even heal you to heal (or prevent) various health problems…

4. Boosted immune strength

Heat exposure can has also been proven to boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells; this can help to ward off infections & keep the body healthy.

5. Detoxification

Heat exposure can promote sweating & the elimination of toxins from the body… which can help to improve overall health & reduce the risk of chronic disease!

6. Improved skin health & appearance

Heat exposure can also help to improve your skin health & appearance by opening up the pores (which can then help to remove impurities & toxins from the skin) as well as delivering more oxygen & nutrients also to the skin, giving you a healthy, glowing complexion & glow!

It is not uncommon for supermodels, actors, actresses, etc... to use saunas, steam rooms & other forms of heat exposure… to also improve their skin health & physical appearance.

7. Improved respiratory function

Heat exposure can help to improve respiratory function by opening up the airways & promoting deep breathing (this can be particularly helpful for those with respiratory conditions such as asthma!).

Increase The Temperature, Increase The Benefits

While virtually all forms of heat exposure (including very basic ones like taking a hot shower or hot bath) will deliver some physical, mental & emotional health benefits... the greater the temperature (intensity), as well as frequency, the greater the benefits that you'll experience will be.

A sauna, for instance, will deliver all the health benefits of a hot shower or Hot Bath, plus a lot of extra ones (or, existing benefits dialed up to a higher level) that you only get at higher temperatures.

Summer heat may lead to some benefits (including health benefits) on its own, but it's usually not hot enough to produce significant benefits...

For that, you need more specific practices that fall under this umbrella, including (from coldest to warmest);

1. Hot Shower
(Temperature: 40-45°C)

Taking a hot shower is simple & something we all do, but we don't realize that this alone can produce some benefits (although, just like summer heat, these benefits are minimal compared to other methods) like...

2. Hot Bath
(Temperature: 40-45°C)

3. Sauna / Steam Room
(Temperature: 70-100°C)

Thanks to their even higher temperature, saunas & steam rooms generally deliver much potent physical, mental & emotional benefits than other forms of heat exposure, including: lower risk of lower risk of heart disease & cardiovascular disease & death (a.k.a. a longer life), lower blood pressure, improved heart health, weight loss & more.

Based on a study of more than 2,300 middle-aged men from eastern Finland who were tracked for an average of 20 years, researchers found reduced risk of sudden cardiac death, fatal coronary heart disease, fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD) & all-cause mortality in sauna users.

For example, for men who reported using the sauna 4-7 times per week, their risk of "all-cause mortality" was 40% lower among frequent sauna users ("all cause mortality" meaning a lower risk of death from any cause)

Getting in a sauna a few times per week has also been proven to reduce your risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease specifically — which is the #1 cause of death in the worldby 27%... (& if you manage to get in a sauna 4 or 5 times per week or more, it becomes a 50% reduction in risk of death from cardiovascular disease — isn't that incredible?)

Some other forms include;

  • Hot springs (especially naturally occuring, geothermal hot springs)

  • Hot tub / Jacuzzi

  • Foot bath

  • Hot stone / hot oil massage

  • Warm compress / warm towel treatment / heating pads / wraps... (that is, putting a warm / heated towel around a part of your body.)

  • Sweat lodge

  • Whole-body hyperthermia

Heat exposure can also provide a large number of mental & emotional health benefits including reduced stress or anxiety, improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, improved sleep, etc.


‘Holistic Health Secrets: What The World’s Healthiest, Happiest & Longest Living People Do Differently

Last week, we ran a very special, live training for the Potencia community called ‘Holistic Health Secrets’.

In case you missed it, you can watch the replay/recording of this training (for a limited time) for free on this page:


‘Garlic’ (Or… The Timeless Herbal Remedy You Can Use To Fight Infection, Parasites & Stop Sickness)

Garlic has always been a potent herbal remedy that offers a multitude of health advantages... (also backed by an impressive array of scientific studies).

Here, we delve into the top 5 specific benefits that this remarkable herb brings to the table:

  1. Cough Relief - Sometimes, the simplest remedies provide the most effective solutions. If you find yourself grappling with a persistent cough, consider the power of raw garlic…

    Its properties have proven to be more efficacious than common cough syrups.

    A raw garlic clove, when chewed, can promptly quell coughing, allowing for peaceful sleep until morning.

  2. Heart Health - Garlic holds a significant place in promoting cardiovascular well-being. It addresses various cardiac issues, including high blood pressure.

    One of its remarkable attributes is its potential to reduce plaque buildup within the coronary arteries…

    Research suggests that incorporating Aged Garlic Extract as a supplement can notably diminish arterial plaque, even in individuals with metabolic syndrome.

  3. Anticancer Properties - Extensive research highlights garlic's role in both cancer prevention & treatment.

    According to the National Cancer Institute, for example, garlic's antibacterial properties & its capacity to inhibit the formation of cancer-causing substances contribute to its protective effects.

    It’s multifaceted benefits include DNA repair enhancement, suppression of cell proliferation, & induction of cell death.

  4. Parasite Combatant - Garlic's historical usage in warding off vampires parallels its efficacy in combating parasites. These organisms thrive by taking from their host without giving anything in return…

    Garlic's properties are potent enough to offer a solution…

    Incorporating garlic into your diet/food along with suitable herbal extracts, aids in ridding your body of parasites!

  5. Diabetes and Cholesterol Management - Garlic's versatility extends to the management of common ailments like diabetes and high cholesterol.

Incorporating garlic into your daily routine might just be the flavorful boost your overall wellness needs.

Remember, embracing a diverse array of herbs and spices, each with its own remarkable benefits, contributes to a healthier lifestyle.


“We do not stop exercising because we grow old - we grow old because we stop exercising.”

Kenneth Cooper


‘China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted (& The Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, & Long-Term Health)’

This week, we wanted to review a book that’s a must-read for anyone interested in nutrition & longevity, called “The China Study”…

In the book (& his work in general) Campbell takes us on a wild ride through the science behind fruits, vegetables & their impact on our well-being...

He dives deep into a massive study conducted in — you guessed it — China, that explores the links between diet (the stuff you put in your mouth) & chronic diseases, as well as longevity…

Trust me, it's not just another dry research read; Campbell's writing style is refreshingly approachable!

The book's main takeaway? It presents compelling evidence that diets rich in whole, un-processed foods (especially plants) can significantly lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes & even cancer…

He's not preachy about it, though… The dude simply lays out the facts, backed by decades of research & lets you draw your own conclusions…

Disclaimer: the book might challenge some of your food beliefs Burgers & bacon might not look as appealing after this read. But hey, it's not about giving up your favorite treats entirely…

"The China Study" nudges you towards making informed choices that could literally add years to your life.

One final note… we are not suggesting that everything in this book — or the research the book is based on — is exactly spot on…

Sure, there’s still much up for debate… but to ignore research & findings like this would be a sin in our opinion…

In summary, if you're deeply curious (like us) about the connection between food & health… as well as learn what you can be eating to reverse (or prevent) disease... you’re sure to find this book a fascinating read!

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