Metabolism Hack, Cauliflower Popcorn & Navy Seal Stress Secret

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The Stupidly-Simple (& Free!) Hack To Boost Your Metabolism By 30%!

Ever wished you had a faster metabolism?

Well, the good news is that blaming a 'slow metabolism' on genetics or other factors beyond your control is just a myth...

In fact, no animal thriving in its natural habitat ever suffers from this so-called 'slow metabolism.'

This revelation means you can take charge & make positive changes to speed up your metabolism...

Some of these lifestyle changes (proven to boost your metabolism!) are simpler to implement & others (which we'll also explore) are more complex...

As the title suggests, in this week's newsletter, we'll begin the metabolism conversation with what is perhaps the most stupidly-simple (& therefore, there's no reason for you not to do it!) hack of them all, which is to...

Drink two glasses of water immediately upon waking

When you're asleep, you're body naturally gets dehydrated & by the time you wake up 6,7,8+ hours later, your body has been without water for a long time, which makes it the perfect time to rehydrate...

Doing this gets your body moving & metabolism going for the day, helping your body to function & to burn fat...

If your first thought is that this is a bad idea because, "I will need to pee all the time", please consider this is precisely why you should do it — you should be peeing to rid your body of the build-up of toxins in your body!

Other than that & in case you're wondering how big a difference something as simple as this could make, here you go...

It was found by researchers at Berlin's Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center in Germany that doing this — drinking 17oz of water (about 2 glasses) in the morningboosted subjects metabolic rates by 30%.

30% - isn't that amazing!

Based on this, they also estimate that over the span of 1 year, a person who increases their water consumption by 1.5 litres a day would experience a weight loss of approximately 5 pounds (how about that for motivation! )

Want to lose weight or maintain your weight easily? Drink more water.

And especially first thing in the morning!

Make it a habit to kickstart your day by consuming two glasses of water (about 1 pint or half a liter) within the first hour of waking ☀️ 


Cauliflower Popcorn

One of the best foods for weight loss (or preventing weight gain) is the super versatile cauliflower. 

It can replace heavy starchy carbs such as rice, when you make... cauliflower rice.

It can replace white potatoes through cauliflower mash & it can even replace delicious but fattening treats like popcorn.

This light, alkaline & antioxidant-packed snack is an awesome way to still enjoy a treat while watching a movie & burning fat. 

1 serving of cauliflower is 100% of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C. Meaning your immune system is saying thank you even as you sit on your butt doing not very much!

In this tasty treat is 4 different ground spices, which all bring a massive variety of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals & best of all, flavours to the table. 

Enjoy the recipe and let me know what your favourite spices are to add to your cauliflower popcorn.

  • Serves: 2 people

  • Time: 40 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 1 cauliflower

  • 1 tablespoon turmeric

  • 1 tablespoon cumin

  • 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

  • 2 teaspoons paprika

  • ¼ cup avocado oil


  1. Remove outer leaves from the cauliflower

  2. Cut into small florets

  3. Wash florets

  4. Combine spices in a small mixing bowl

  5. Add ¾ of the oil and mix thoroughly, adding more oil if needed

  6. Place on the baking tray with baking paper

  7. Brush the florets with spice marinade

  8. Preheat oven to 220°C/425°F

  9. Cook for around 35 minutes, being careful to not let the popcorn burn

  10. Serve immediately & enjoy whatever it is you’re watching ;)


“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong & clear”



‘Box Breathing’ (Or... The Technique That Navy Seals Use To Control Their Nervous System & Control Their Emotions In Less Than 60 Seconds!)

When NAVY Seals need to quickly calm their mind, body & nervous system, to regain balance & perform at their best... what do they do?

Well, one of the proven protocols they turn to (as do athletes, first responders, medical professionals, etc) is breathwork as we've already covered in previous email…

But more specifically, they will often turn to a specific breathing protocol known as 'Box Breathing'.

It's simple, yet immensely powerful for changing how you feel in seconds, squashing stress & helping you to restore peace of mind.

Here's how to perform 'Box Breathing' (do it now)

  • First, you're going to breathe in for 4 seconds (though your nose & keeping your mouth relaxed in the process) 

  • Next, you're going to hold your breath for 4 seconds

  • After, you'll breathe out for 4 seconds (this time through your mouth)

  • Finally, you're going to hold that out breath for another 4 seconds.

That's it!

It can be helpful to 1) close your eyes & 2) picture your breath like the 4 sides of a box/square going up one side, across, down & then across again completing the box/square.

Repeat these 4 steps (the 'box') without interruption for 2-3 minutes & notice how it completely changes how you feel!

Start practicing ‘Box Breathing’ today 😃 

And if you’d like to learn how to apply the ancient, timeless practice of breathwork to release stress, detoxify your body, improve your health+fitness & even extend your lifespan… be sure to check out our full course on the topic, called:


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