Making Exercise Fun, Homemade Granola, Ginger & Detox (1)

The newsletter which curates & delivers the best nutritional advice, fitness hacks & holistic health strategies to your inbox every week.


How To Make Exercise Fun, Natural & A Way Of Life... (Like It Was For Our Ancestors Or When We Were Kids!)

If you look at the history of exercise & human movement, you'll find that it's very different than today...

Our ancestors, for example, never really had to schedule in 30 or 60 minutes a day to 'go to the gym', or to 'exercise'...

Instead, they would work physical jobs (like farming or construction) which would naturally require them to move their body, lift heavy things & stay active during the day... (without thinking about it.)

As children, we also didn't really have to think much about, or to schedule in time, for 'movement' or for 'staying active'...

We would just go outdoors & play games / sports that, in themselves, would require us to run, throw, catch, jump & overall, move our bodies in various ways...

So, movement, activity, exercise... these were simply byproducts of our everyday life, activities & very much a 'way of life' for our ancestors or for us when we were kids...

Our question to you, to kick off this week’s newsletter, is... how you can apply some of this back into your own life? (because it works!)

For example:

  • Why not walk or bike to the store instead of driving there...? (you get to your destination & get your shopping done + you also exercise at the same time!)

  • If you're struggling to 'motivate' yourself to 'workout'... why not find a sport that you love (like tennis or basketball) & just do that... (sport is exercise, but it's usually more fun because your focused on the game itself!)

  • Instead of meeting someone & sitting at a coffee shop to walk, why not go on a walking meeting (where you walk & talk at the same time)?

In each example, you're essentially 'killing 2 birds with one stone' & staying active while doing something else at the same time... (plus: doing this is usually easier than motivating yourself to ‘workout’!)

Something worth considering ^


“Medicine’s a funny business. After all, dispensing chemicals is considered mainstream and diet and nutrition is considered alternative.”

Charles F. Glassman


Homemade Granola Recipe

A fun & creative way to avoid the unhealthy ingredients (such as table salt, preservatives, additives + bucketload of refined sugar!) that come with almost all boxed breakfast cereal... is to make your own granola at home!

(of course, granola can also be eaten as a snack or for your supper too, so make it in bulk & have this healthy treat at hand, anytime of the day!)

Here's the recipe, enjoy;

  • Serves: 6+

  • Time: 25 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • ½ cup raw coconut oil

  • ½ cup raw honey (or agave/maple syrup to make it vegan)

  • 2 ½ cups organic oats (or quinoa flakes to make it gluten-free)

  • Zest of 1 organic lemon


  1. Add coconut oil & honey to a saucepan on high heat

  2. Mix together well for 20-30 seconds

  3. Add oats ½ cup at a time, making sure to coat all the oats in the yummy mixture

  4. Place baking paper on an oven tray and spread the oats out evenly

  5. Place in oven at 180° for 10 minutes

  6. Zest a lemon & sprinkle over granola mix

  7. Place back in oven for a further 10 minutes or until golden brown

  8. Once cooled store granola in a glass jar & enjoy with yoghurt (either regular or coconut yoghurt is great too) & a serving of fruit too!


If you'd like to learn proven steps & complete detoxification protocols to improve your health... then be sure to check out our detox course, called:

This in-depth, 3-part, video training course will teach you what you need to know to permanently reverse various pain, disease or health problems... to get rid of belly fat for good... as well as to transform how you look & feel...

(so life stops being such a struggle, plagued with fatigue or pain... & returns back to being an adventure full of fun, energy & happiness!)


Ginger (Or... The 'Natural Miracle Spice' To Reduce Sickness, Heal Health Problems & Improve Your Wellbeing!)

Speaking of detoxification… ginger is a marvel of nature, boasting an impressive array of 15 different chemical compounds, which hold a treasure trove of potential health & detoxing benefits!

Let's explore some of these & the remarkable ways that this spice can enhance your well-being… (just as it has for individuals & tribes for thousands of years!)

1 - Alleviates Nausea

Ginger's reputation as a nausea reliever is well-deserved. Cruise ships often stock ginger ale to combat seasickness, although the natural spice is a healthier alternative.

It has also proven highly effective in reducing morning sickness in pregnant women, rivaling pharmaceutical options without any undesirable side effects. Ginger root offers a safe haven for both mother & child.

2 - Potent Anti-Fungal Properties

Among 29 tested plant species, ginger reigns supreme as the most effective in combating fungal infections.

Incorporating a daily dose of ginger, whether in your vegetable juice, in cooked dishes, or even on its own (e.g. can be chewed for a few minutes) can help to ward off yeast infections.

3 - Cancer Growth Inhibition

Ginger exhibits a remarkable ability to hinder cancer growth, particularly in ovarian & prostate cancer. Recent studies suggest intriguing links between ginger's impact on health & the well-being of our vital organs.

4 - Blood Sugar Regulation

Managing high blood sugar levels is crucial in reducing the risk of diabetes & obesity. Ginger plays a pivotal role in lowering these risks. Whether you aim to shed pounds or naturally support diabetes management, ginger is your trusted ally.

5 - Cognitive Enhancement

Numerous studies have demonstrated ginger's protective effects against cognitive decline. Some even reveal its potential to enhance cognitive function, particularly in middle-aged women.

Ginger is truly a superstar for brain health, as well as physical wellbeing.

So, what's the advice?

Well, it's time to incorporate more ginger into your daily routine, reaping the wealth of health benefits mentioned (as well as many others not listed.)

Whether you grow it in your garden, buy it fresh, or opt for ground ginger, this versatile spice can make a significant difference in your well-being!


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