Juicing, Ginger Zinger & Full Body Reset

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Juicing (Or... The Antidote To Declining Food Quality & A Proven Way To Transform Your Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing!)

We'll cut right to it this week: flooding your body every day with pure nutrition is an absolute must in today's world of toxic & highly-processed food, with declining nutritional value...

And this applies even if you're not consuming much processed food (as we discussed in a previous newsletter) & you're already eating large quantities of fruits & vegetables as part of your diet...

All this considered ^ you might still be shocked to hear that the quality/nutritional value of those fruits/veggies that you're consuming is much lower today than it's been in the past...

(e.g. you would have to eat a half dozen bananas, or carrots, or cucumbers, to get the nutritional value of eating a single 1 a few decades ago.)

This is largely due to modern farming methods (including: the use of chemicals such as pesticides, declining soil quality, etc), as well as the shipping practices & globalization as a whole…

…where food will be picked still unripe, travel long distances (sometimes tens of thousands of km's sometimes across continents) & be stored for many months — just so that it can be available all year round on supermarket shelves, etc...

'Eat local' or 'eat organic' are good ways to improve this process & ensure you get higher quality fruits & vegetables... but there is still more that you can do...

And that 'more' is to start drinking your food through the health practice of juicing.

Juicing has emerged as a popular trend in the health and fitness world & for very good reason...

This practice, which involves extracting the nutritious juices from fresh fruits & vegetables, offers a plethora of health benefits.

To motivate you to get started (if you haven’t already of course), here's why incorporating juicing can be a game-changer for your health & wellness:

  • 1. Nutrient-Rich Beverages: Juicing provides a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants.

    While many of us struggle to consume the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables, juicing makes it easier to reach these nutritional goals, ensuring our bodies receive the essential nutrients they need to function optimally.

  • 2. Enhanced Digestive Health: The process of juicing removes fiber, which can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive digestive systems. Without the fiber, the nutrients in the juice are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, providing a gentle way for those with digestive issues to consume fruits & vegetables.

  • 3. Boosts Immune System: Fresh juices are packed with antioxidants & vitamins such as vitamin C & E, which are crucial for bolstering the immune system (Regular consumption of fresh juices can help protect against illness & promote overall health.)

  • 4. Detoxification Benefits: Many advocates of juicing suggest that it can aid in detoxifying the body. While the body naturally detoxifies itself, the additional nutrients from juices may support liver & kidney function, enhancing the body's ability to cleanse itself.

  • 5. Weight Management: Incorporating fresh juices into your diet can also assist in weight management. (Juices made primarily from vegetables can be a satisfying way to keep hunger pangs at bay, reducing the likelihood of overeating.)

  • 6. Increases Energy Levels: The rapid absorption of nutrients from juices can lead to an instant boost in energy levels. This makes juicing a fantastic option for a quick, healthy & energizing morning start.

  • 7. Promotes Hydration: Juicing is an excellent way to increase hydration, particularly for those who struggle to consume enough fluids throughout the day. The high water content in fruits & vegetables contributes to overall hydration, which is vital for every bodily function.

  • 8. Supports Skin Health: The vitamins & minerals in fresh juices, such as vitamin A and C, play a significant role in maintaining healthy skin. Regular consumption can lead to a clearer, more radiant complexion.

All in all, be it as a standalone practice, as an ‘antidote’ to declining food quality, or both... juicing can be a very valuable addition to your diet, offering a range of health benefits, as mentioned.

However, it's important to remember that it should complement, rather than replace, whole fruits & vegetables in your diet. The fiber in whole produce, for example, is also essential for digestive health & long-term wellness (the process of chewing always has many benefits that are rarely ever considered.)

But, all in all, start juicing, absorb those nutrients & enjoy the benefits!


If you'd like to learn more proven steps & complete detoxification protocols to improve your health... then be sure to check out our complete detox course, called:

This in-depth, 3-part, video training course will teach you what you need to know to permanently reverse various pain, disease or health problems... to get rid of belly fat for good... as well as to transform how you look & feel...

(so life stops being such a struggle, plagued with fatigue or pain... & returns back to being an adventure full of fun, energy & happiness!)


“Fitness needs to be perceived as fun & games or we subconsciously avoid it”

Alan Thicke


'Ginger Zinger' (Or... The Simple 4-Ingredient Juicing Recipe Proven To Give Your Health A Positive Boost!)

Speaking of the benefits of juicing, why not start right away?

To help you do exactly that, here's a simple, yet incredibly powerful, juicing recipe (& if you like zing, then you'll love this one for sure!)...

First off, as the body of the juice, to keep the zingy theme running throughout, we use the Granny Smith apple, which is lower in sugar than almost every other type of apple…

(although feel free to replace with whatever type of apple is local, preferred or whatever you usually buy)

Keeping the sugar content of your fresh juice low is key to weight loss (or not gaining weight in the first place!)

Remembering that juicing removes the fibre from your fruits & vegetables, increasing the speed at which sugar enters your bloodstream.

If it's too quick, the hormone insulin will kick in & carry the excess sugar straight to your fat cells! (not good!)

note: another good base for juices is cucumber which has next to zero sugar & a super high water content.

Something we do want to point out with the next ingredient on our list — carrots — is that you ideally only want to juice organic carrots.

Reason being, carrots are awesome at soaking up pesticide residue that sits in the soil after harvesting nonorganic vegetables.

So farmers will use the carrots to essentially detoxify the soil, when really the goal is to detoxify you!

Drinking a glass full of pesticides is not a great way to do that or for your overall health — so make it organic carrots!

Obviously the goal is to have all your ingredients organic, but if that's a push when it comes to finances or availability, then the number one vegetable you want to be going organic when juicing is carrots.

To round off the wonderfully healthy ingredients in this intense juice are lemons & ginger (which we explored the amazing health benefits of in a previous newsletter.)

Both of these amazing ingredients pack a powerful punch of antioxidants, vitamins & minerals and will most certainly boost your immune system & keep you fighting fit the whole year through!

Enjoy the zing!

  • Serves: 2-4 servings

  • Time: 10 minutes 

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 4 Granny Smith apples

  • 12 organic carrots

  • 2 lemons

  • 4 thumbs fresh ginger


  1. Thoroughly wash all ingredients

  2. Top and tail carrots

  3. Dessed apples

  4. Roughly chop apples & carrots into juicable pieces

  5. Peel and roughly slice lemon and ginger

  6. Place all ingredients in juicer & juice it baby!

  7. Serve & enjoy


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