Intermittent Fasting, Boost Energy & The Dangers Of Sitting

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'Intermittent Fasting' (Or... How To Lose Weight, Boost Energy, Reverse Ageing & Live Longer With 1 Simple Lifestyle Change!)

To start this week’s newsletter, we’re going to offer you what is perhaps the best ‘nutrition hack' of them all, which is: don't eat.

And yes, we understand the irony, but we’re being dead serious.

As long as it's not malnutrition... 'not eating' for extended periods of time (or 'intermittent fasting' as it's better known) is absolutely amazing for your health, fitness & overall wellbeing!

First off, this is timeless wisdom that has been used by healthy individuals & tribes for generations… but it’s also backed by decades of rigorous, modern scientific research too.

For example, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded that fasting can slow down the aging process, boost brain function, help with weight management & can help combat various health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer & even neurological disorders.

Why is this? How does this work?

Well, it’s because fasting gives your digestive system a much-needed break, facilitating detoxification. It also reduces the production of harmful oxygen radicals, lowering inflammation levels.

Put simply, during fasting (when you're not consuming calories), your cells activate pathways that enhance your body's defense against oxidative stress, ultimately improving mental & physical performance and bolstering resistance against disease!

Moreover, a study in The Journal Of Lipid Research found that;

Ketone levels in the blood are at their peak after 24 hours of fasting

This suggests that both intermittent fasting & occasional 2-3 day fasts (as we’ll cover below) can kickstart a weight loss journey, detoxify your body & somewhat surprisingly, give you more energy!

(that's right, energy doesn't necessarily come from food, but can actually come from the lack of it... as Christmas dinner shows us each year - how energetic do you feel after eating mountains of food like that?!)

With all this considered, let's explore the ways we can use fasting to boost our health & wellbeing — without unnecessary stress.

Here are 3 great approaches:

1. The 8:16 Intermittent Fasting Schedule

The 8:16 fasting schedule, also known as the 16/8 method, involves fasting for 16 hours each day & confining your eating to an 8-hour window…

For instance, if you choose to have your first meal at 12 PM, you would conclude your eating for the day at 8 PM (or 11AM & 7PM as another example).

This intermittent fasting method allows your body to experience an extended fasting period, reaping the above-mentioned health benefits!

2. The Eat-Stop-Eat Method (2 days of 24-hour fasting per week)

Popularized by Brad Pilon, this method involves fasting for a full 24 hours, typically once or twice a week.

During this fasting period, you abstain from all calorie consumption.

For example, if you begin your fast at 7PM one evening, you would not eat again until 7 PM the following day.

This extended fasting window offers an even more impressive range of health benefits!

(for more on this topic, check out the book 'Eat Stop Eat')

3. Customized Intermittent Fasting:

To align with social gatherings & occasional extended detox periods, you might also choose to fast consistently on certain days/times of the week, for example, Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.

This flexible approach allows for breakfast & on occasion, an early lunch when physical demands dictate it, all while reaping the benefits of intermittent fasting.

The key takeaway here is that intermittent fasting can be tailored to your lifestyle, allowing you to enjoy its health benefits without any unnecessary stress.

Whether you're sharing meals with family & friends or engaging in physical activities, finding the right rhythm for your fasting journey is essential.

So, consider hopping on the intermittent fasting bandwagon if you haven't already, or use these insights to optimize your current approach.

It's a powerful tool for enhancing your health & wellbeing while still savoring life's joys.


In a world plagued with low energy levels & chronic fatigue & people just relying on endless cups of coffee (or energy drinks!) just to get through each day, we’ve got a solution for you…

We’ve gifting you free access to our brand new training series which we’ve titled ‘Energetic Advantage’

Inside you’ll learn the 6 scientifically-proven habits to supercharge your energy levels, elevate your morning routine & to transform your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing forever!


“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

Ann Wigmore


The Dangers of Sitting & Sedentary Living… (& What To Do About It Now)

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to underestimate the health risks associated with prolonged periods of sitting…

Just like any unhealthy habit, the consequences can quietly accumulate…

Recent research highlights the detrimental impact of excessive sitting on our health:

On average, individuals in Western societies spend a significant 21 hours each day sitting or lying down. 

This extended inactivity is linked to a higher risk of developing 34 different chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, as well as various mental health issues.

(Even regular daily exercise may not fully offset the harm caused by as little as 6 hours of daily sitting!)

Gender Differences: Some research suggests that men face a 48% higher risk of mortality when sitting for 6 hours or more daily, while women face an even more alarming 94% increased risk.

Considering that many jobs require over 8 hours of seated work, coupled with additional hours spent sitting during commuting and watching TV, the cumulative effects are concerning.

What To Do About This:

Fortunately, there are effective measures to counteract the hazards of a sedentary lifestyle…

For example, research suggests that: 

"Breaking up extended sitting periods into shorter increments of less than 30 minutes can significantly reduce the associated health risks

Tip: set a timer on your device, computer, or watch to prompt you to stand up and move around every half-hour.

Also, during these breaks (& throughout the day)… consider incorporating simple stretches & movements to enhance their effectiveness as prolonged sitting can lead to tight chest & shoulder muscles, stiff hip flexors, weak back muscles & gluteal atrophy.

Here Are 2 (Simple) Exercises To Get You Started:

  1. Standing Stretch: Stand tall, roll your shoulders back & place your palms on your buttocks with fingers facing downward. Push your buttocks forward to feel a stretch in your hip flexors and the front of your shoulders. Be sure to engage your glutes and the muscles between your shoulder blades. Repeat this stretch three times, holding for five deep breaths each time.

  2. Hip Bridge & Reach: Lie on your back with knees bent & feet flat on the floor. Push through your heels to raise your hips as high as possible, squeezing your glutes at the top. Reach one hand as far as you can over your head, aiming to touch the floor on the opposite side. Perform this movement for 10 repetitions on each side.

These 2 simple exercises take just a minute each to complete, allowing you to return to your desk in under 2 minutes!

By incorporating these tips & exercises into your daily routine, you'll be significantly lowering your risk & making a substantial investment in your future health, mobility & well-being!


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