Cancer, Antioxidants, Vinaigrette & Longevity Secrets

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ā€˜Preventative Nutrition For Cancerā€™ (Orā€¦ 5 Proven Ways To Greatly Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer Through Simple Eating Changes)

The 2nd leading cause of death in the world is cancer.

It takes more people than all wars, suicides, homicides, accidents & other things you see covered a lot more of in the news, put togetherā€¦

Itā€™s second only to cardiovascular disease, including the number of people passing from heart attacks, strokes, etcā€¦ although much of what weā€™re going to share with you today is going to help you here too.

And while we don't agree with or recommend most of the mainstream methods of cancer 'treatment', natural methods for prevention are what we're all about, so we wanted to add to the topic...

...highlighting some of the incredible research that has been done which shows simple & natural lifestyle changes that can be made to greatly reduce/prevent your risk of disease, including cancer...

Specifically, in this week's newsletter, we're going to focus on the nutrition part of the health equation, covering amazing foods you can add to your diet to help you reduce your risk of cancerā€¦

To start though, if you are wondering what is the link between cancer & dietā€¦

While there is no single food that will prevent cancer & no single food will cause it eitherā€¦

Research does suggest that a healthy diet & lifestyle can play a big role in lowering your risk of some of the most common types of cancersā€¦

Healthy eating habits can also help prevent many of the chronic conditions that increase your risk of cancer overall such as obesity, which then leads to chronic inflammationā€¦

Cancer-causing chronic inflammation can occur over a long period of poor nutritional habits & the cells become dysregulated & mutatedā€¦

Developing inflammation from a poor diet causes your insulin levels to spike, which can lead to IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) which is a hormone your liver makesā€¦

Our body needs IGF-1 to assist growth hormones with cellular regenerationā€¦

It helps growth hormones to replicate & regenerate the bodyā€™s many cellsā€¦

Some studies suggest that IGF-1 stimulates cancer cells & promotes tumor growth in our bodyā€¦

Hereā€™s what science teaches about how insulin growth factors play a role in cancer development:

- IGF-1 tells your cells that ample nutrients are around & these cells should continue growingā€¦

- They cause a lot of cell proliferation & just by having a lot of cells dividing, you have a bigger chance of getting a mutation that eventually will lead to cancerā€¦

According to the American Cancer Society, obesity with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30, is a major risk factor for many cancersā€¦

Hence, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial & it can help protect you from certain cancers & other chronic conditionsā€¦

In these ways, what you eat (as well as don't eat!) can have a massive effect on your overall health, including whether you develop lifestyle diseases like cancer, or not...

Health experts have also concluded that certain foods ā€” including processed meats, alcohol & fried foods ā€” contain 'carcinogens', which are harmful substances that can cause cancer, so you obviously want to avoid these...

And instead, eat a diet that provides your body with essential vitamins, minerals & fibre that can aid in reducing cancer riskā€¦

Here are some of the simple ways to build your own cancer-prevention dietā€¦

1. Foods Rich In Antioxidants

Plant-based foods are rich in antioxidants that boost your immune system & act as protective agents against cancer cellsā€¦

  • Eating foods containing 'carotenoids', such as carrots, brussel sprouts, squash, pumpkin, avocado, sweet potatoes & mangoes can reduce the risk of lung, mouth, pharynx & larynx cancersā€¦

  • Diets high in non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach, beans, mushrooms, asparagus, artichokes, eggplant & zucchini, may help protect against stomach & esophageal cancerā€¦

  • Foods high in vitamin C (also known as 'ascorbic acid') such as oranges, berries, peas, bell peppers & dark leafy greens (like spinach) may also protect against oral cavity, stomach & esophageal cancerā€¦

  • Foods high in lycopene, such as tomatoes, guava, watermelon, papaya & grapefruit can lower the risk of prostate cancerā€¦

  • Cruciferous vegetables containing sulforaphane, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy & kale, may help protect against prostate & breast cancerā€¦

  • Herbs & spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, oregano, cayenne pepper & cinnamon...

2. Fruit & Veggies Are The Foundation

Health professionals around the world advise you to ā€˜eat the rainbow' because plants contain different pigments, or phytonutrients, which give them their colour & they can help lower the risk of various cancersā€¦

You should aim to make your plate about half fruits & veggies... (then split the other half between whole grains & lean meats, fish, or plant-based proteins...)

Or eat at least three different colours of fruits & vegetables each day or at least a few times per week...

For example:

  • Red: Apples, tomatoes, red cabbage, red bell pepper, & watermelon...

  • Orange: Carrots, oranges, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, papaya & persimmon...

  • Yellow: Bananas, lemon, mangoes, pineapple & yellow bell peppers...

  • Green: Broccoli, asparagus, avocado, kiwi & leafy greens, like spinach, kale & salad greens...

  • Blue & Purple: Beets, grapes, plums, blueberries, eggplants & rhubarb...

  • White: cauliflower, radish, mushrooms, onions, garlic & leeksā€¦

Remembering to 'eat the rainbow' every day is a great & simple way to make sure youā€™re getting a variety of nutrients into your dietā€¦

3. Don't Forget High-Fiber Foods

Foods that are high in fibre play a key role in keeping the waste moving through your digestive systemā€¦

High-fibre diets are also associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer...

High-fiber foods include: beans & lentils, nuts, blueberries, apples & moreā€¦

4. Choose Healthy Fats

The relationship between fat & cancer is an interesting one...

Eating a diet high in fat can increase your risk for many types of cancer, but healthy types of fats actually protect against cancer...

So, just like with other macronutrients & food types, it basically comes down to the food itself & the quality of that ingredient too...

What you want to do is add more unsaturated (healthy) fats from fish, olive oil, nuts & avocados to your diet... whiling saturated fat from red meat & dairy as much as you can (less than 10% of your daily intake is a good place to start for most people)ā€¦

Also avoid trans fat or partially hydrogenated oil found in most packaged & fried foods such as cookies, cakes, pizza dough, French fries, fried chicken, etcā€¦

5. Cut Down On ā€˜Added Sugarsā€™

Contrary to popular belief that 'sugar feeds cancer' is a little misleadingā€¦

Sugar feeds all our cells but not all 'sugars' are harmful, the real culprit is added sugars & not the naturally occurring sugars (such as fructose, glucose & sucrose)ā€¦

Added sugars are often refined forms of sugar that are added to foods & beverages during manufacturing, processing, or preparationā€¦

They are higher in calories & contribute to 0 nutrients ('empty calories')ā€¦ they are mainly used to increase sweetness & extend shelf lifeā€¦

Natural sugars, on the other hand, are the ones found in whole foods such as fruits & vegetables, dairy products & grains...

Frequent consumption of foods & beverages with high amounts of added sugars can lead to obesity & heart disease which can increase your risk of cancerā€¦ (more on this in an upcoming newsletter)

Here are some of the foods to avoid: processed meats, beverages with artificial sweeteners & highly processed foods/grains - you can read more about processed foods in our previous newsletter)...

As you work to lower your cancer risk with a healthy diet using the above simple steps, itā€™s also crucial to maintain a holistic approach to health, including regular exercise, stress management & obviously avoiding usage of tobacco & excessive alcohol consumptionā€¦

Focus on making healthy habits a part of your lifeā€¦ & always remember that prevention has the greatest potential to reduce the burden of cancer as well as other chronic conditions!


If youā€™d like to learn even more about the mindsets & habits of centenarians living in blue zones (a.k.a. the healthiest & longest-living people in the world!) you can download this free ebook:



ā€œIn health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.ā€

Henri Frederic Amiel


How To Make Healthy & Delicious Salad Dressing At Home In Minutes!

One of the best, healthiest ways to combine these various fruits, vegetables & foods rich in these cancer-preventing antioxidants & vitamins is in the form of a salad... (there's a good & valid reason salad as the stereotypical example of a 'healthy meal')

But to make a salad equally tasty for most people you also need a good salary dressing...

However, this isn't as simple as buying a salad dressing of some kind & then pouring it over their (once) healthy salad as most store-bought dressings are terrible for your health (as they contain synthetic additives, preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, flavour enhancers plus a high dose of refined sugar, trans fats & table salt) & therefore negate some of the effects of the salad itself...

It may be a vinaigrette, or a creamy salad dressing, it doesn't really matter... (just check the label of your go-to store-bought 'salad dressing' & you'll see...)

A healthier approach is to make your own at home... which is easier than you might think & what we're going to show you how to do now...

And when making your own salad dressing, such as this 'Lemon & Garlic Vinaigrette' dressing, not only do you avoid nasty ingredients but it tastes amazing!

Hereā€™s the recipe:

  • Serves: 30+ servings

  • Time: 8 minutes

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • Ā½ cup apple cider vinegar (ACV)

  • Ā½ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Pinch sea salt

  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Slice lemon into parts

  2. Crush, peel & finely dice garlic

  3. Add Apple Cider Vinegar to a glass jar

  4. Add olive oil a little at a time, whisking until thoroughly mixed together

  5. Before adding final olive oil, add other ingredients & whisk again until everything combined

  6. Add jar lid & shake for 30 seconds

  7. Pour into glass oil & vinegar bottle using a funnel

  8. Serve with salad, store rest in refrigerator

On the topic of delicious, healthy recipes (& how to improve your nutrition without having to sacrifice the foods you love)ā€¦ check out the full Potencia fitness course on the topic, called:


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